66| Three Months

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It's been three months since Roma's funeral. The death has changed us.

Vivi has been taking on missions and training. She moved away to Dubai to do expert missions which I thought was amazing but I know deep down, it's just grief.
Lorenzo hasn't been speaking to his dad. Armani has been on the low for the past few months, no one has seen him but his kids. My brothers have been a bit down ever since the death, mostly Bruno. He had an amazing friendship with Roma, it's been difficult seeing him so lost.

I've completed my training with Angelo! I took up a few more hours with Angelo and it's really payed off.

Luna is out of the hospital too! I visit her quite a lot, she's growing so much and it honestly brings me such joy. She's a little ray of sunshine, Nicole is such an amazing mother too. She deserves someone that will worship her like the goddess she is.

On a sad note, Scar and I have been arguing. A lot.
We're actually in an argument at the moment, it started on Wednesday, it's now Saturday.

~4 days ago~

I sat in the Zaid's manor, waiting on Scar to leave a meeting that I wasn't allowed to be in. Which didn't annoy me, I understand it's business and not personal. West and Gavin sat with me while the rest was in the meeting.

"Is he nice to you?" Gavin asked me, raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"Well that's rude," Gavin spoke, "he's not even nice to me!"

I chuckled at Gavin and his fake sad face, West rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't you join the meeting?" West questioned.

"Um...Scar told me I couldn't." I honestly replied. Gavin and West glared at each other, pure confusion in their eyes. Before I could ask why they were so confused, Scar and a bunch of people stormed out of the room. Scar ignored us and stormed up to his room, it was obvious that he was dangerously angry.


"Meeting didn't go well then...." Gavin whispered.

"Do I go and see him or stay here?" I whispered back.

"Stay here for ten minutes..." West softly spoke, I clearly didn't listen and immediately stood up and walked to his room.

"Does she ever listen?!" West shouted.

No babe, no.

I opened the door to see Scar on the edge of his bed, he held his head in his hands. I walked over to him, I didn't know what to do so I sat beside him.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

Scar lifted his head and looked at me. Whenever he looks at me, butterflies danced in my stomach but this time....I was afraid. He was full of terrifying anger, I've never seen him like this before.

"Go home." He demanded.


"What?" I questioned, I was genuinely confused, I didn't mean to make him more enraged.

"Damn it Briella!" He shouted. "Go home! Why are you here?!"

Oh no he didn't.

"First of all, you invited me. Second of all, lower your fucking voice. Third of all, I don't know what happened in the meeting but that gives you no fucking right to be pissed off at me." I calmly responded. Scar was unfazed by my words, rage still filled his senses.

"Get out."


I grabbed my bag and immediately left his room, slamming the door behind me. I walked down the stairs, finding Finn, West and Gavin.

"Where you going?" Finn asked.

"Scar told me to leave, so I'm leaving."

Why do they look so pissed?

Gavin immediately stormed up to Scar's room, I looked at Finn and West before waving goodbye. West drove me home since I don't have a car yet, he was so sweet to me throughout the whole car ride. He apologized for Scar's stupid ass, I don't even want to speak to him right now, he's being such a dick.


And I haven't spoke to him since.

Anyways, let's talk about something else. Hala's seven months pregnant! They have a name picked out but won't tell anyone, not even me! Hala has been staying with us because she likes our house more.

She's also been angry at Scar, he's been acting so different these days. I try to get him to talk about it but he won't. I don't know....I feel like our relationship has became toxic. I mean, we're always fighting, he doesn't want me to stay over, he also doesn't text me as much and I've just had enough.

It's becoming exhausting, these past three months have been difficult. I don't want to give up on Scar but I think he's giving up on me. Maybe I'm not who he thought I was? Did he get bored? Am I not enough?

I love him but does he love me? I'm not sure anymore.

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