“Jealous much?" He laughed a little, "It seems like you always fall for forbidden people," Blackfox put his hands on his hips. "But I'm warning you, you can't date your sister's love interest or your best friend's boyfriend."

"Shut your mouth. You're not that lucky," she said with a friendly laugh as the boy looked her up and down. "You already sound like Zeth."

"And Frank is that lucky?" Blackfox ran a hand through his black hair. "Because I don't think he's as handsome as me!"

"Seriously, you should spend less time with Zeth." Evie had to admit that Blackfox could be funny when he wanted to.

"Maybe I should spend more time with Frank. Maybe he can share his secret with me. First you, and now Jade? There's surely something charming about that guy!"

"It must be his voice. It's very emotional," Evie replied, looking out the window. She finally relaxed her posture but without losing her elegance. "He has a very sweet and masculine voice, actually."

"You know, the first time I heard Frank on the radio, I thought it was Zayn Malik," Blackfox said, sitting on one of the grey couches. "His voice is identical to his."

"Who?" She stopped looking out the window to look at him with the corner of her eye.

"You don't know who Zayn Malik is? Come on! All teenage girls were crazy about him and his bandmates!"

"I was raised to fight and I was paid to kill, not to listen to music or read teen magazines, Blackfox," she replied, sitting down in front of him elegantly. "Well? Who is Zayn Malik?"

"He was a member of One Direction, quite the stars, very popular. But then he decided to pursue a solo career. He was born on January 12, 1993 in Bradford, England, to Patricia Brannan and Yaser Malik, and is of Pakistani and English-Irish descent. His real name is Zain Javadd Malik, Zayn with a Y is his artistic name and..."

"Hey! Hey! I only asked you who he was," she had this mocking smile on her face, the one he could never get enough of.

"Well, since you always ask for every bit of information to be mentioned," he winked at her. "Miss Control Freak, you're hard to please."

Evie laughed, and so did he.

"It becomes addictive to investigate everything, huh?" Evie said, and the boy moved his shoulders.

"Old hunter ways. Gotta investigate everything, every little detail," Blackfox sighed. "Those days, huh?"

"You leave the hunters, but you never stop hunting," Evie said and then snapped her fingers. "Zayn Malik! Of course! The one with curly hair? The one who worked at a bakery?"

"No, that's Harry. Zayn was the 'bad boy' of the band."

"Well, if you say Frank sings like Malik, I'm surprised his voice is like that of the 'bad boy' because he's anything but," Evie blushed for a moment, and Blackfox leaned forward with his hands on his thighs.

"You have feelings for him, don't you?"

"I have no idea who Zayn is, so no," Evie waved her hand dismissively, but then lowered her shoulders and sighed, "We're talking about Frank, I know. I won't fool you."

"It's hard to wear a mask when you're talking to someone who can see through it. That's what you told me when we met," Blackfox said, narrowing his eyes. "We were still children, learning body language, graphology, and sociology long before we started learning multiplication tables."

"Sometimes it feels like we learned to hack and fight long before we even learned to speak," Evie frowned as she turned around and stood up from the couch.

"And we learned to hate before we learned how to love, but I think you failed that class," Blackfox was always like that in private, a playful and challenging friend, sometimes too insidious. "So, you and Frank?"

"I am not going to do this right now. I need some sleep." She started walking towards the hallway, yawning.

"Have you thought that maybe the universe has someone else for you?" Blackfox stood up, shouting.

"That's not even remotely possible." Evie stopped just before she walked deeper into the hallway to her room. "I know that silence. What are you going to ask me?" She looked back at Blackfox, who had followed her down the hall.

"I know you think you don't deserve to be loved..."

"Love is for children, for teenagers, and you and I could never be that." She smiled wryly. "We were adults before we were teenagers, miniature adults. And it terrifies me that, sometimes, it makes me proud to say that."

"But if there's someone waiting for you," he wiggled his eyebrows, "Don't waste the chance, okay? Maybe someone who also has fake teeth since he’s eight years old?"

"Okay. But don't wish upon a star, with me or anyone. People do stupid things for love," Evie nodded once more, and then turned and walked down the hall, leaving Blackfox staring after her with joyful eyes.

"You're as stubborn as a mule," he whispered.

"I heard you!" she shouted from her room, and he just laughed and shook his head.

But then there were two knocks on the door.

"I'll take care of it!" Blackfox shouted, and Evie said something he couldn't hear. Upon opening the door, the boy was perplexed and resumed his serious boy act. "Mr. Rahman, Mr. Seamons, how can I help you?"

"I told Zeth that maybe Evie was asleep, but he didn't listen," said Finn, who looked a little embarrassed. He was dressed in a pink sweatshirt that was too baggy. He did look cute, Blackfox had to admit.

"Obviously she has time for a visit as important as mine at any time," Zeth replied, crossing his arms. "And I think my plan may give us the upper hand here. Very well, handsome boy almost as perfect as me, where is Evie?" Zeth asked Blackfox, poking his head into the apartment, "I hope she's still awake."

"I knew you know something I don't," Evie came walking from the end of the hallway to the door with some wedges on. dressed in an electric blue nightgown, "What do you know, Zeth? Speak, I'm sleepy."

"Well! I'm obviously so smart that I already figured everything out... With Finn's help, I won't deny that. This boy is a genius!" Zeth said and messed Finn’s hair a little. "I already know who your sister's client is, Evie. And I also have a plan to find out why she wanted to be captured, Although I think I already know what the reason is, but we need to confirm that I'm right, don't we?"

"To find this place," Blackfox replied, "We already know that."

"You're wrong," Finn said and Blackfox cocked his head, "You should listen to Zeth, you know he's always right about everything."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now