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"You should have stayed in your room," Evangeline said, approaching Frank, who was smoking a cigarette outside the hotel, standing next to an ash pipe near the glass door entrance, "There's a huntress around."

"Dead on the outside sounds better than dead on the inside," Frank whispered, taking a drag on his cigarette, "I think I ruined everything with Jade."

“Green tank top and jeans? I thought you’d wear a suit,” Evangeline frowned and put her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off. "No doubt. You do not want to talk to me. Why?"

"Because I don't want to hurt Jade," Frank replied, looking down as the wind blew colder, "I don't want her to know that I once..."

"She suspected you were in love with me after the show," she said, walking slowly, the sound of her heels clicking, "Was that true?"

"I was in love with you," Frank replied, taking another drag, leaning against a column at the entrance, "But then I realised that wasn't the case. I admit it, I was interested in you."

“I was too, interested in you," she replied and Frank's eyes widened. She chuckled, "Are you surprised?"

“Why didn't you say anything? I thought what happened between you and me was all a lie."

"It was just a kiss Frank, to put the bomb in your backpack, there was nothing between us and you know it," she replied with a long, heavy sigh, "Anyway, I have not forgotten my place. Jade is amazing, you and her look good together."

“I thought that too," he avoided Evie's gaze.

"And now?" Evangeline asked.

He grunted and looked at her.

"Now, I'm afraid of telling her. Because of my love for you, I let my guard down, and it cost me my legs, my arm, my eye..."

"There isn't a day that I don't feel guilty about what I did and grateful to you for forgiving me, so I will give you what you gave me," she said, placing her hand on his bionic shoulder. This time, he did not move away, "I will give you hope."

"How?" he frowned.

"She'll come back."

"She won't," Frank said, turning away from Evangeline so that she wouldn't see his face, "I think I made her uncomfortable."

"All women feel different after the first time, some feel strong, and some of us feel guilty," Evangeline replied softly, "It takes practice for us to warm up to a relationship. Jade already feels safe in your company. She won't return until things are better in her mind, so it was not your fault."

"How do you mean?"

"Sex can cause a number of hormones to flood a woman’s body, especially oxytocin and dopamine. The rise and drop can affect our mood, leaving us feeling sad or anxious after sex." she explained, "But that's the facts. The reality is that maybe Jade thinks she has... Corrupted you."

Frank stared at her blankly before letting out an angry groan.

"Of course you would say that!" he growled, stomping towards the door. "That's exactly what everyone says about me! I am too nice! I am too sweet! I am..."

"Frank, please. I just..."

"Don't," Frank snapped, walking back to her with heavy steps, "I'm human too! Kind of... I have feelings and it bothers me that people think I'm too innocent! I also want sex, you know? I want sex but I also want to know that the other person will enjoy it! I want the other person to feel..."

"The other person?" Evangeline chuckled, "No wonder they say you're innocent. It's usually a selfish act." She looked away, and Frank cocked his head.

He could have sworn she was blushing.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I don't want to talk about the past." She dismissed with a hand, “And I don’t get paid to talk about feelings anyway, so don't play therapist."

"Are you sure?" Frank blinked, "I'm going to listen if that's what you want."

"And there he is again, the sweet boy," Evangeline laughed a little, then leaned against the column and sighed, "As a Hunter, it was forbidden to have sex with anyone, but during a mission, I fell in love. In 2014, I was assigned the mission of infiltrating the Greywoods Laboratory, an Alicia’s Pharma USA facility deeply connected to the development of monsters. With fake credentials given by Vanessa Helsee, I was able to gain employment and soon developed a romantic relationship with the facility's chief researcher, as means of obtaining classified information that would aid the Hunter Academy. He was committed to our relationship, and I fell in love and lost my virginity with him. The sex was magical, but the guy... He was too good, and I felt guilty because he was my target and I had to eliminate him myself. It was one of my first missions alone, as a woman and not as a spy kid."

"What happened?" Frank really looked worried.

How cute!

Evangeline smiled wryly.

"I killed him with a broken bottle, and I became who I was meant to be: A trained killer.” She replied, her eyes lost on the floor, “Jade maybe feels you're too cute, and she maybe thinks she's corrupted you the same way I corrupted that boy."

"How old was the guy?"

"We were barely nineteen. He was a genius, graduated from university at the age of thirteen, a brilliant scientist when I met him." she replied, looking up at Frank, "If you want to avoid the details do it but... You and Jade... Did it, and then what?"

"I didn't even put my... You know," Frank turned red and ran his hand over the back of his neck, "It was just my fingers, not the metal ones."

"And you wanted to do it right?" Evangeline asked, "I mean, penetration?"

"Well, obviously," Frank giggled, "Maybe it would have been better if Zeth was her first time. She and him already have a past, so to speak."

"She has seven boyfriends to choose from, normal people usually only have one," Evie said with a laugh, taking the cigarette from Frank, taking the last drag before putting it out, "But I'm sure of one thing. There is no man she wants more than you for her first time." and then she pointed to the glass doors of the entrance. Jade was running to the lobby desk, and when the manager pointed outside, Evie nudged Frank, "And I think she's looking for you."


Evie's cell phone buzzed, and she elegantly pulled it out of her pocket, frowning.

"Do you think Jade wants to talk about it?" Frank asked, but when he turned around, Evangeline was already gone.

"Frank!" Jade exclaimed upon seeing him, crossing the glass doors, running in his direction.

"Jade, before you say anything..." He couldn't say a word, because she grabbed him by the jaw and planted a kiss on his lips, making his eyes flutter closed. When she separated from his lips, his eyes were still closed and his face was numb with love. "W-What was that?"

"Sorry." she muttered, "Forgive me?"

"I have nothing to forgive, in fact I was going to ask for forgiveness, you know, in case I made you uncomfortable," He nodded and pressed his hands to her shoulders.

"I want to do it," Jade said, holding Frank's bionic hand, "I want you to be my first time, so let's go upstairs and make love!"

“Do you mean...” he raised an eyebrow, “Actual penetration?”

“Put your P in my V, Frank!" She replied with a laugh, "That's what I mean!"

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum