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After their date, the moment had arrived, and Jade felt nervous as Frank let her into his room.

There were rose petals on the floor, creating a path towards the bed. Scented candles with a sweet aroma that Jade had never smelled before were scattered everywhere.

She knew what was going to happen once she set foot in this room, and although she had desired it for a long time, now she felt apprehensive.

She couldn't let herself feel apprehensive now.

If she did, the spell would be broken.

"I hope it's not too much," Frank said, closing the door and nervously running his hand through his dyed green hair, taking a moment to relax. He looked so nervous, as if he had seen a ghost or something worse. It was almost cute.

"I'm a little drunk after the wine, and Zeth made us promise no drunk sex," Jade whispered.

"Oh, well," Frank scratched the back of his neck, "It's okay, no problem. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"That's not what I meant," Jade said, biting her lip and placing her hands on Frank's firm chest, "I mean... Do you know how to keep a secret?"

"Oh, I... I do!" he giggled, "He won't find out."

"You're adorable," Jade blushed and crashed her lips against Frank's, taking control of the kiss.

He let out a soft moan.

She took advantage of his surprise and wrapped her arms around him.

Frank grabbed her hips and kissed her with more passion.

They both moaned together as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, causing her knees to go weak and her heart to race.

His kisses were hot and filled with passion, and Jade wanted nothing more than to lose herself in them. She let out another moan as Frank lifted her up, carrying her in a sitting position, gently pressing her against the wall, and then he began to caress her body slowly.

They broke apart only for air, still breathing heavily.

Jade was panting, but at least she was able to talk again.

“I want you to be my first time," she said, perhaps more confident than she actually felt. But at least she said it. "I want our first time to mean something."

"I can do that," Frank whispered, letting her down. She had a hard time standing again, but when she did, she walked towards the bed.

This was the moment she was waiting for, the moment to kiss her virginity goodbye, to finally feel complete, to have an orgasm. But even so, there was a part of her, which she didn’t know existed, that hoped she could somehow make herself feel sexy.

Because despite everything, she still didn't feel particularly special or beautiful to be with a boy as kind, loving, handsome and athletic as Frank.

Guys like him were off limits at school.

But she didn't meet him at school, right?

Boys like Frank, Draco, Alex, Finn, Zeth, Everett and even Kevin were worth taking a risk for.

But was she good enough? Or was it just her pheromones that had the boys crazy about her?

That was the part of her mind that was constantly screaming at her, telling her why it was wrong to have sex with Frank: Because she was not good enough for him.

Maybe it would have been easier if her first time was with someone like Zeth or Alex, without fear of sex and more experience.

Jade felt bad for corrupting Frank, his innocence.

But they both had been adults for years already, and he seemed to be just as determined as she was.

Furthermore, he was seven years older than her, more mature and with a perhaps different point of view than hers.

"Let's get more comfortable," Frank said, and began to undress.

As Jade watched with an open mouth.

Frank removed his shoes, socks, suit jacket, shirt, and slacks.

He was about to remove his green boxer briefs, too tight in her opinion, the last piece of clothing he had on, but Jade's strangled cry with her hands covering her face stopped him.

“Wait!” she shouted, looking down just to see a long bulge under his boxers growing as if it had a life of its own.

Maybe this was a bit too much, too fast for this inexperienced girl.

She was twenty-one years old and had never seen a real life penis...

But she had touched Frank’s already so...


He was her boyfriend, one of many, they'd known each other for an entire year already, but right now, they were like two souls let loose on each other.

He hadn't dated until she came around.

She was a virgin, some said that would never change, until she met him and the other guys.

Looking back, she didn’t know what set off the spark to just throw caution to the wind so quickly between her and Frank, but something did.

Was it age? Curiosity? Desire? Lust?

Yes, she thought it was all of those things combined.

Both of them loved each other.

It was a quick romance, but weren't many?

Oh fuck it! She was ready.

"I want to do this," she said firmly.

"Just let me take the lead, don't worry," Frank slipped into bed, extending his arms welcomingly. "Why don't you get more comfortable? We can start slow, and from there, you can tell me what you want to do. Is that okay with you?"

"I want... I want to do this." With a little whimper, Jade started unbuttoning her blouse, and Frank widened his natural and bionic eyes. "But... Maybe later," she got so unnerved that she just jumped into bed fully clothed, keeping out of sight Frank's tight underwear.

His almost naked body, she had to admit, felt very good next to her. At first, she twisted herself so that a certain protruding part of him didn't touch her, but after a while, she gave that up as being silly and childish.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now