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When Evie entered her apartment, she found Blackfox rearranging the coffee table that had been overturned during the confrontation with Kimberly.

"Thank you for cleaning up the mess," she said, and he nodded, looking at her as if she were the only person in the world. "How's our blonde guest?"

"She's sleeping. I had to sedate her and put her in the grey room, only four walls, floor, and ceiling. There are seven ex-Hunters guarding the door," Blackfox replied, with his hands on his hips making sure everything was in place, "We know that even a pin can help her escape. A former huntress undressed her so she only has a blanket and her underwear on, from what I was told."

"Inhumane, but necessary to keep everyone safe," Evie yawned and started walking towards one of the grey couches. "Any clue of who's behind this?"

"None yet, but I doubt your sister's client is a man," he said, and Evie raised an eyebrow. "A man doesn't use emojis to talk to a trained killer, does he?"

"Did he... I mean, did she use emojis?" Evie cocked her head. "That hadn't happened before, had it?"

"Well, the person who hired the other hunters is not the same person who hired your not-sister, that’s for sure. Kim’s client made the same mistake by writing 'Drcao' instead of 'Draco' repeatedly, but this time, the client used an emoji to threaten her, a smiley face, very passive-aggressive," he grimaced, and Evie immediately knew what the boy was thinking, "The client of the other hunters, from what we could find in their phones, is quite the perfectionist. There is not a single spelling or grammatical mistake, emojis or abbreviations.”

“Kim’s client is probably a wealthy fan, she’s right." Evie told him with her arms crossed. "By the way. When were you going to tell me that you and my stepsister had something going on behind the scenes?"

"For how long have you known?" Blackfox didn't seem shocked.

"Since she got here, I guess," Evie shrugged. "When she saw you here, she seemed very familiar with you, almost like she was hitting on you, the kind of teasing between exes. And I thought I heard something about a kiss between punches. I don't want your feelings to get in the way."

"Don't worry. It won't happen. We were never a couple by the way.” Blackfox clarified.

"When did you and Kim meet?" Evie asked.

“It was 2014, Kimberly and I made our way into an underground laboratory near the Greywoods Mountains under Vanessa Helsee’s orders. The facility soon began tearing itself apart with the activation of a self-destruct device, and we were forced to escape. She saved me from Victoriano Rubinstein’s Project Lycandros-Gama by shooting an anti-tank launcher at the creature, but Kimberly fell down a shaft. How exactly she survived or escaped from the laboratory is a mystery to me. She and I kissed that night, although later we met again on some missions where she was, let's say an ally and enemy at the same time. She came back from the grave to tease me.”

"To this day I'm finding out that it was you who finished my mission," Evie laughed.

"What are you taking about?" Blackfox asked.

“In 2014, The Hunter Academy requested for a full-scale investigation of Alicia’s Pharma's activities, but they sent an experimental monster called Project Lycandros-Gama to track down and eliminate all The Hunters in the area.” Explained Evie, “I was trapped in my apartment when I was attacked by Lycandros-Gama. During a fight with the creature, I ended up unconscious within the Police Station until I woke up understanding that I had failed my mission.”

"So that's why Vanessa..." Blackfox fell silent when she gave him a withering look, "I understand, we don’t talk about Bruno."

“Thanks,” she whispered, “So, about Kim... Do you love her?”

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now