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"What the Hell just happened here?" Blackfox drew his gun, walking slowly inside the hotel. Purpleferret was unconscious on the floor, Whiteelephant and Graycanary were also knocked out outside the bathrooms.

This was not good. Memories of his past came to him, nightmares had now become reality, traumas overcome were now just around the corner.

This was all too familiar, a memory of his childhood in which he and his older brother were kidnapped. The entire orphanage had been massacred, caretakers, children and teenagers, all on the floor. Blackfox and his older brother had hidden under a bed, then came the sound of heels... He still saw them when he had nightmares at night. Those were black boots, like Evie's.

Blackfox was shaking, but remained calm.

He wasn't going to lose another chosen family, he wasn't going to lose the boys or his ex-hunter friends.

"All unconscious with tranquilizer disks," Blackfox inspected them all, finding advanced pieces of technology stuck in their necks, "I better be careful."

There were noises inside the women's bathroom, banging, and he looked up with his eyes half-shut.

"Whitedog, do you copy?" He pressed his earpiece. There was static, and nothing else, “Whitedog? Do you read me?”


The exact same thing had happened when he sent Purplebat to investigate why Purplewolf was not responding. He had already lost contact with Pinkfish, Bluedog, Blueowl and Goldenlion.

“Here goes nothing,” Blackfox approached the door of the women's bathroom, pushing it silently, raising his weapon.

There was someone in the last stall of this immaculate white bathroom, and his heart was beating a thousand miles an hour.

"Come out with your hands up," Blackfox ordered, his hands holding his Taser gun firmly, "Come out. Now!"

The door slowly opened...

The first thing he saw was a handgun, and the woman holding it was staring at him in the eye, her scarlet red hair a little dishevelled.

"Cadence?" Blackfox raised an eyebrow. Behind the woman was Melody, crying, sitting on the WC.

“Drop your weapon,” Cadence ordered.

“Hey, I am not the enemy.”

"I don't believe you," Cadence began to walk slowly out of the stall, and Blackfox took a few steps back, "Someone attacked us and three of your friends. I don't trust anyone now. They must be here to kill me and my daughter, punishment because I defected."

"Cadence, what's going on here?" Blackfox asked.

“You tell me,” she replied.

With tensions unstable, both instinctively attempted to disarm each other.

Cadence grabbed the taser from Blackfox, but he managed to grab the firearm from her and took aim.

Cadence raised her hands in surrender.

"Who attacked you?"

"A man, tall, muscular like Frank, brown eyes, he looked like you but on steroids," Cadence replied, "And he wasn't alone. There was a man in a bronze-coloured suit, robotic, very advanced. The gun you're holding was his. And there was also a woman, blonde hair, almost white, ice blue eyes, as tall as Everett." Then she moved forward quickly. She kicked Blackfox’s knee, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him into a sink.

The handgun fell to the floor.

"Cadence!" He gasped when the hands of the desperate, sobbing woman squeezed his neck, “Cadence... I am not... The enemy.”

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now