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"Jade! What are you doing? I have work to do!" Evie complained as Jade pulled her arm until they were behind a tree and some bushes away from the pool area, "Jade! Stop it!" Evie finally broke free of her grasp.

"Tell me, am I Jessica  Stanley?" Jade finally said.


"Of course, you don't even read romance books and you're already a perfect protagonist!" Jade threw her hands up.

"Jade, what are you..."

"Before the TV Show, in the dressing room, I told you that you should be the one to play the game because you knew the guys best, and you said it was not fair at all because you did know them more than me. And now I see that’s true," Jade began, pacing, "I asked you in your car if you would give Frank a chance because you were the third wheel, and you said you knew the guys way before they met me, so I was the third wheel."

"Bluebird, we're in trouble," Blackfox said over the comms, "I can't contact Orangetiger. I'll go to the hotel entrance."

“Copy that, I’m on my way,” Evie began walking, but Jade held her by the wrist and shook her head.

"Do not go."

"Jade, I'm working." Evie looked down at her.

"I promise I won't be long, just listen to me," Jade almost kneeled and Evie nodded.

“Fine, make it quick,” Evie crossed her arms, tapping her foot, "Catgirl, come in. Take my place at the foot of the stage."

"The more things change, the more they stay the same," Kimberly said over the comms, "I've been here since I saw Greenjaguar dragging you behind the bushes. Don't worry, Bluebird. Your friends and the flirty wolf are in good hands."

"Thanks, Catgirl." Evie sighed, "Okay, Jade. Talk."

“Fine. Thanks. So, I always thought I was the protagonist of this story because I considered myself ugly, I am incredibly insecure and I always thought the cure to this was the guys telling me that they love all my flaws, but it was just my pheromones what made them...”

“At first,” Evie frowned, “Now they care about you.”

“Do they?” Jade lowered her gaze, “You know? Romance protagonists are always described as introverted and shy... And guess what! You are an introvert who feels left out and reads books! I saw your collection in your apartment!”

“Wait, what?” Evie frowned, “You say I'm the protagonist of a book? Please! I don't even know how that works! I don't read fiction Jade, those are books on psychology, languages, history, biology, that kind of stuff.”

“See? You are not like other girls!”

“If a girl says ‘I’m not like other girls’ that means she is exactly like every other girl ever.” Evie rolled her eyes, “Sure, I sometimes feel left out. But there’s always someone else who’s gone through the exact same thing.”

“And I guess look down on other girls because of that.” Jade replied quickly.

“I don’t.” Evie grunted.

“For Fucks Sake! Look at Kim! The blonde was your enemy and suddenly you became friends! Romance book cliché! Your fake sister is the stereotypical blonde cheerleader girl who..."

“Being pasty and introverted doesn’t make you a better person than ‘shallow’ outgoing blondes, you know?”

“But you are the shy book-reading stereotype!”

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat