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As Evie led the guys through the pool area, with an elegant walk and sensual steps, people followed her with their eyes in stony silence.

It was so strange to be in the spotlight.

"Hey, did anyone see where I put my..." Draco checked his pockets and Evie held up a hand.

"You left your phone on the dining table in the suite," Evie said, pulling the phone out of a pocket of her bodyguard uniform, "Here you go."

“Oh! Thanks!” Draco took it with a giggle.

"Hey Evie, would you mind..."

"Here," Evie interrupted Frank, handing him some gum, "I know you get anxious when you can't smoke.”

"Thank you," Frank took the gum, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "You know me well. Is this..."

“Sour explosion," Evie nodded, "I know, only sour flavours take away your anxiety."

"Hey Evie,” Alex rubbed his nape, “This is embarrassing but, did you happen to bring..."

"Here it is," Evie opened a back pocket on her belt and tossed a can of spray deodorant at Alex. He barely caught it, "In case you start to sweat. And yes, it is the Seductive Chocolate one."

"God, my head hurts," Finn rubbed his temples, "So much work has dazed me."

“Here,” Evie held up a tablet of pills that she took out of another pocket.

"Naproxen?" Finn raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I know iboprufen makes you sleepy." She nodded, “Kevin, tie your left shoe when we get to the circle, we don’t want you to fall like when you fell at your poetry recital when you were eight,” Evie said without even looking at him.

“Oh! Thanks, Evie!” Kevin looked down. "I guess my mum told you?"

"You guessed well. Everett, don't forget that a sincere smile makes the corners of your eyes crinkle," Evie said and Everett nodded with a grunt, "And remember that if an ugly memory comes to you..."

“I must think about baby mountain goats, got it,” he nodded.

"Hey Evie," Zeth rubbed his palms together, "You know I'm a control freak and..."

"I know, here it is," Evie handed an earpiece to Zeth, "You'll hear the bodyguard channel, specifically, everything I hear."

He looked her up and down with a chuckle.

"It seems you know us more than we know ourselves," Zeth said and Evie winked over her shoulder. She raised a hand and all the guys stopped, motioning for the enormous neon circle.

"I've known you for years, it would be ridiculous not to know you well. Anyway, I'll be at the centre in case of emergency." She stepped into the circle and the guys stood all around her.

“Ready,” Alex gave her a thumbs up.

"Good. Ladies and gentlemen! Now you may approach." Evie said into the microphone and the place erupted in screams and laughter. It was like a tsunami of people approaching the boys.

Evie looked up, where Blackfox gave her a thumbs up from a gargoyle five stories above.

 Evie nodded at him, then she pressed her earpiece.

“Greenjaguar, I noticed that Catgirl's client is still around. Why is Target A not in custody yet?” Evie asked through the comms.

"I had a bit of a problem, tiny delay... I have the target in my sights," Jade said, but truth be told, she was lying. She sucked at this job. She had lost sight of the target during the human tsunami.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum