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"You know, I used to sneak out the window when I needed time alone," Kim said as she saw Alex approaching the fountain where she was already sitting, "I'd go to the roof and listen to music and stare at the stars during my fake-family life with Evie." She sighed, looking up at Alex, patting next to her for him to sit down.

"Were you spying on me?" Alex asked and she laughed.

"I have better things to do, I just saw you and decided to come down here," she winked as he sat down with a grunt next to her, "Tell me what happened, a man like you does not break easily so something really bad happened."

"Do you care?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Not in the slightest, but I like a little gossip in my life," she said, her voice calm and collected, although a bit mocking.

"If you say so.” He said, leaning forward, placing his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together. “Well. Draco doesn't love me anymore,"

"Oh. That's not too bad," she said, shrugging and putting both of her hands between her thighs, "There are a lot of vampires in the night. I would say there are a lot of fish in the water but you don't love Finn."

"I'm jealous of Kevin, I'm sad because this is my fault, and I'm desperate because I don't know what to do!” He yelled. How cute.

To her, this was almost comical. Alex was huge, a brute and tall, she was short, elegant and athletically thin, and here he was, like a puppy hanging his head, talking about his problems with a stranger.

Men always did that.

"That's a normal reaction," Kim said, patting his leg comfortingly, "Maybe you should go back to him. Make it work again."

"I tried," Alex sighed, "It doesn't seem like he loves me anymore. Maybe he is just confused.”

"Or maybe he has moved on. Who cares? If he is happy, let him be happy."

"Maybe. But it hurts." He looked at her, frowning.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kim asked, "Because I am here. I might be a bitch but I can listen to you and say nothing. It's not like I have much to say either. I don't like teenage dramas, although you are already more of a man than a teenager. Act your age for fucks sake.”

“So this is silly?”

“A whole drama straight out of a toxic romance book." She rolled her eyes.

Alex chuckled, shaking his head.

"So you're that kind of girl," Alex laughed and she raised an eyebrow.


"A dude with boobs," he laughed, rubbing his palms together.

"Says the chick with a dick that's crying over a man," she mockingly pouted and surprisingly, they both laughed. "Don't beat around the bush. You came down here, alone, secretly... I don't think you came here to cry, there is already enough water gushing out of this fountain and many girls looking at us from behind the trees over there, there and there." She pointed, waving at one of them, “He is taken, girl! Move along! Bye, bye, bye.”

"You were right about that though. I actually came down here to get some sex," He ran his hand through his hair, straightening up a little, laughing. He was getting comfortable, huh? Well, she lowered her gaze, looking at his fingers. Yes, it would be easy to break them if he went too far. "I'll go back to being my stupid self from years ago. It only takes a second. Pheromones, a little flirting, a little bit of flexing and that's it."

"Well you won't find that with me, I was trained to not fall for the charms of people like you." she laughed, patting Alex's sweaty bicep, "But I'll give you a prize if you try to flirt with me."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now