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"Alex's already out of the shower," Kevin said, and Draco swallowed thickly, sitting next to him on the couch. "Ready to talk about it?"

"I think so," Draco nodded with an honest, real smile, not the usual mask. "Thanks for agreeing to be the referee, Kevin."

"No problem, bro. I'm happy to help you get your man." Kevin put his arm around Draco's shoulders, and the vampire inhaled. There was no distinctive smell like the seductive Lycan sweat, but then... Why was he attracted to Kevin.

This didn't make much sense, it was from one second to the next and Draco's heart was already beating for someone he honestly barely knew.

Kevin wasn't handsome like Alex, nor was he seductive. And he also had a funny nose, very cute in fact, and he always had that aura of good humor that...


How weird.

Why was Draco suddenly thinking about Kevin like that?

Maybe it was the warmth of his hug? Or his soft skin? Or was it his words? Why was Draco blushing? Why?!

"A-And wouldn't y-you... I don’t know... Want to be w-with... Me?" Draco asked with his tender little eyes blinking slowly and his pretty cheeks reddened. Kevin immediately removed his arm and opened his eyes wide, his cheeks became invisible for an intimate second. "I... I mean... We’re in a polyamorous relationship, so it's possible."

"Well, I..." Kevin laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. How had Draco not noticed before how full of life Kevin’s smile was?! "I would like that, but like Finn with Zeth, I would like it to be because, you know, you have feelings for me and not just pity."

"I think I fell in love in a second, Kevin." Draco admitted, "I think it was your hug, or maybe your words... Yes, I just told you something that big quite simply, and I know I should have done this with Alex a long time ago but, I don't know.. With you I feel like I don't have to hide anything I feel because I think we are very similar. And you have really soft skin too!"

"Yes, I've been told but... For now, you and I are going to focus on repairing your relationship with Alex," Kevin continued, evading Draco’s scarlet gaze, and if he was being honest, he wanted to scream and kiss Draco right then and there and swear his love and eternal gratitude, but he held back, "So... Are you two just angry with each other or what?"

Draco shook his head.

"No, at least not me." Didn't Draco sound sincere? Why did Kevin change the conversation? Did he make him uncomfortable?

"Well it seems like you're angry with each other." Kevin was dead inside. Draco sounded so sincere. Why did he change the conversation? Did he make the vampire uncomfortable by ignoring his sudden confession?

"I'm not angry," Alex said, coming out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and small drops of water running down his muscular body. His purple hair was wet and plastered to his forehead.

Draco swallowed thickly and he tried not to stare.

But it wasn't out of shame or to control himself like before... Draco simply wasn't interested in seeing Alex bare-chested for the thousandth time.

But why?!

"I wasn't saying you are. I was saying you look angry," said Kevin.

Alex shrugged.

"I'm not angry," he repeated, going to sit next to Draco. The vampire took a deep breath to see if there was something in his heart. Nothing. Maybe he wasn't attracted to Alex because he had showered and there was no sweaty smell. But did that mean Alex was right? That it was all his pheromones? And if that was the case... Why was Draco attracted to Kevin like when he was desperately in love with Alex? Everything was easier with Kevin, there were no dramas, but did that change what Draco felt in less than a second? "But I was worried that my pheromones were what made Draco think he loved me."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now