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The Darktide Hotel, a huge castle, was illuminated with neon floodlights and a light sign that read 'Monster Mash' above the entrance.

When Jade came out of Evie's blue Camaro, she had to hold up her hands to stop them from rubbing the sides of her face.

She was so excited!

Her cheeks were red, the same red from the day she met Zeth Rahman himself right here a year ago.

She felt like she had walked a long way to be here, from being just another fan to being the boys' personal bodyguard. And then there was the fact that she wasn't dressed like that night, she wasn't wearing the fangirl outfit she wore for their live-streamed concert, she was dressed like a warrior now, a protector.

"Charming. Love the haunted castle aesthetic," Kimberly said, holding the Monster Mash Bodyguard badge in her hand, "And I like this badge better than the Alpha Hunter one. At least this one is actually gold."

"And it has a unique engraving," Blackfox said, getting out of the Camaro, "To make sure there are no fake bodyguards. Your badge has a scanner. If another bodyguard's badge causes it to flash a red light, shoot.”

"That's always my favourite part," Kimberly chuckled and put the badge in her purse.

"Come on, we have to work," Evie said, putting her own badge on her chest, and that made Jade really understand how far she had come. This was Evie's world, and she stepped into it willingly. She had decided to become a bodyguard, a warrior, she had improved a lot, changed too much, grown like she never thought she would have.

There was no longer any need to think about her old life anymore.

She would make the best out of this new one, no matter what.

And if it was to protect the guys, then Jade knew she couldn't do anything but try her hardest to be the greatest possible protector.

She walked up the stone steps slowly, taking care where she put each step. There were already so many people outside the hotel, all of them buying merch from a tent while waiting for the concert to start.

They were all fans, hoping their idols would pay attention to them.

Jade guessed they wanted to meet their idols, maybe she once wanted that too but was too afraid to even think about it, and now she was their girlfriend, their bodyguard, and wow! Things like these didn't happen to girls like her all too often.

They walked through the glass doors of the hotel and the air was immediately colder. The place was full of neon lights and there was Monster Mash music coming from somewhere. There must have been hundreds of people working hard for the guys perform.

"Blackfox, check all the hotel guards, I don't want infiltrators," Evie said, walking through the huge lobby, the sound of her heel boots was loud, her steps firm and determined. "I want their past jobs, their names, dates of birth, social media, everything."

“Understood,” Blackfox nodded, walking among busy workers, disappearing behind one of them.

"Kimberly, I want all cameras active, ours and the hotel’s, check ceilings and every employee," Evie said.

“On it,” the blonde was already walking towards the reception desk.

"Jade, you and I are going to the basement, we'll meet up with the rest of the team," Evie opened a door at the end of the lobby next to the elevators, and both walked down some stone steps into the darkness.

"I'm back where it all started," Jade whispered as she walked down the stone steps behind Evie.

This time, when Evie looked over her shoulder, Jade noticed something strange. There was fear in her eyes, fear mixed with rage.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now