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Amid applause and shouts from the people, Raphael approached the boys, whistling, standing next to Frank.

"Wow! What wonderful voices they all have! I never imagined that a genre like reggaeton could be sung with so many high notes! You all are shouty in a good way." said the host. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"It's a pleasure to be here," Frank said while adjusting the microphone of his earpiece, raising his bionic arm to wave at the audience. "I hope the surprise was to everyone's liking! It is also important to remind people that tomorrow night, we will give a concert at the Darktide Hotel in Hollow Woods, the money will help people who need prostheses after losing a limb or more."

People in the audience screamed, and Jade looked over her shoulder to see Evangeline standing and applauding while the last girl who fainted was carried on a stretcher by the paramedics.

"Scream louder!" Draco exclaimed, and the people obeyed. The boy jumped and spun until Zeth put a hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving.

"This boy is very energetic!" Raphael messed Draco's hair.

"Sure he is! You will never meet anyone with more energy than Draco. He's quite a danger to himself sometimes," Zeth said, and the audience laughed a little.

"My daughter always tells me that Draco is the one who always steals the show by being silly on stage and dancing, but wow!" Raphael clapped his hands, "This guy is a professional dancer!"

"Draco is actually pretty impressive," Frank said, holding his friend by the shoulders. Draco laughed a little but didn't take his eyes off the ground. "He can be sitting in the corner eating a sandwich, and just by seeing the choreography once, he's like, 'Oh, sure, I already got it.' We tell him that he should really practice, and he finishes his sandwich and says, 'Look! I got it!' and suddenly: Shimmy, pirouette, split, jazz hands! He dances the entire choreography, in platform boots, without a single mistake! I mean, I spend months practicing, and I keep falling flat on my face!"

"People usually don't know that Draco is practically a genius," Finn said, messing up Draco's scarlet hair. "He is one of the smartest people you will ever meet in your life. Draco knows a little about everything. Anything you ask him, he knows, and you would never know it just by looking at him because he looks so silly and disastrous."

"And he's cute," Everett said, ruffling Draco's scarlet hair as well. "But that's how we love him. He's best on stage."

"Oh please, guys. We are all good dancers!" Draco said with a fanged smile, fixing his hair, "We all have something that makes us special. I am the dancer, Alex is the seducer, Zeth has the best voice..."

"And is it true that Zeth wants to go solo?" Raphael asked, and Zeth himself laughed.

"It was a secret," Zeth winked at a camera. "In fact, it was so, so secret that not even I knew about it."

"So you are not planning to leave the band even if you have the best voice according to experts?" Raphael asked, and Zeth shook his head, posing as if to be sculpted in marble.

"What is a great, powerful, and perfect voice like mine without company? I will tell you... A tragedy," Zeth said, running his hand through his hair. "Honestly, even if I am perfect and beautiful, I would never dare leave my friends. There is no Monster Mash if a member is missing."

"So no one is in a hurry to go solo?" Raphael asked. "Because it's common for group members to want to pursue a solo career."

"We all bring new ideas to our work," Frank said, turning to look at Jade, who, although she smiled back at him, was still a little uncomfortable about the 'Femme Fatale' thing. "We all are free to be creative, whether it is writing songs, preparing our shows, or choreographing. Zeth has exquisite taste in fashion, but he would never choose clothes for us that he knows we wouldn't like," Frank nodded at the leader of the band, who nodded back at him. "I think creative repression is what separates groups. It's not our case."

"And what about the price of fame?" Raphael asked, "There's still a stigma about boy bands."

"Oh, don't even mention it!" Alex rolled his eyes, "I've sometimes come across people who say that Monster Mash is their guilty pleasure." He growled, "I don't want to be someone's guilty pinches pleasure! We're very pinches talented actually!"

"But it doesn't matter what they say, we are a family, weird and sometimes dysfunctional but a family," Finn said with a smile, hanging his arms around Alex and Frank's necks, "We face everything together!"

"And we steal the show wherever we go," Zeth said inspecting his nails, "And I think I speak for everyone when I say that taking photos with Mashers who find us on the streets is our favourite part of the deal."

"I hope you don't mind us stealing your show, mamasita hermosa," Alex said to Jade, giving a military salute. "You look radiant, Mi Amor!"

"Thank you," Jade turned bright red and looked down, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now