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After reading and signing the contracts, the man in purple gave the guys some information about the company and offered to give them short tour of the premises.

Draco accepted it and everyone agreed to let him live his dream.

"Jade, come with us!" Draco waved effusively, "You're a fan too!"

"Oh! I don't think I should..."

"Come on, it's your job to look after the guys," Evie winked, "Blackfox, Kim and I will make sure there are no murderous waiters around here."

"Thanks, Evie," Jade nodded, and then rushed to catch up with the guys who were already walking down a long hallway to the left.

"Hey Everett," Jade said once she reached the group, and the big, quiet boy just nodded at her...

Then he put a heavy arm on her shoulders.

She jumped a little, smiling at him. Everett grinned back.

It felt like years since they had talked.

This was unexpected, physical contact with him to be precise. His arm was hard, warm, and the way he held her close while they walked was so comfortable! It was like being in the arms of a huge teddy bear no doubt, a very muscular and tall one but as Draco said... Semantics.

"J-Jade," Had Everett just stuttered?

"Oh! What's up, big guy?" Jade asked, putting her hand on the boy's steel abs, obvious beneath the white sleeveless compression shirt he was wearing.

"I'd like to talk to you privately when we get out of here," Everett said as the man in the purple suit showed the guys ahead of them the security guard's office. It was a square, blue room, almost empty except for a couple of tables and many turned-off monitors.

Jade blinked at Everett. Did he mean that in a romantic way?

"Sure, I'd like to be alone with you," She bit her lip and looked down.

"Jade, I'd like to know something," Everett said as the man in the suit showed the other guys the parts and service room. There were quite a few props and costumes lying around, pieces of metal scattered on the floor, some power tools too, "Do you still like me, Jade?"

She smiled at him.

"Of course I still like you, silly," She took his huge hand in hers, "You're such a sweetheart..."

He shook his head lightly.

"No, I'm serious, Jade. Do you still like me?"

Her smile faltered. She stared at him a second before answering.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just worried that maybe I'm not... Social enough," Everett, giant and muscular Everett, looked much smaller now that he was acting nervous and blushing, "I see you spend lot of time with other guys, and after our conversation in Kevin's room... I don't think you're very interested in me."

"Why would I not be?" Jade looked confused.

"It's just that you and I have never spent time alone, I mean as couple and... We have never even kissed," Everett sighed, "I don't want to be cold and distant guy I always am with you, but I don't know how to be more... Loving. I don't understand many things. I like being with you but I don't know if you like being with me. Am I too cold? Because I can change! I've been practicing my social skills to be better boyfriend for you!"

That melted her heart.

"Oh Everett," she stopped in the middle of a dark hallway, looking into his eyes, "Everett, you are amazing. You are kind and caring. I couldn't ask for anyone better than you. You're handsome, strong, funny and you're really thoughtful. I like spending time with you."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now