Torin Shaked him telling him no while keeping the information about her liking books a secret. Akvhi looks at him and said with a calm expression on his face.

"You better find something interesting about her tomorrow, and I will ignore that little incident that happened with Commander Tarwin.

You're dismissed..." Akvhi looked back to his papers as Torin stood still for a minute before saying to him. "Your Majesty... I been thinking and... I don't think its wrong that You treat Elenor like this..."

Akvhi looks up from his papers and said to him with a bit of anger in his face. "What did You just say?"

Torin looks at Akvhi and told him. "I just said that Its wrong what You are doing to Elenor... Its even worst what Tawrin did to her and... I do not want to be part of Your scemes anymore..."

Akvhi looks at him with a look of anger on his face and told him. "When did You become so brave, Mutt? Have You forgotten where Your fucking place? Go do Your job or I will have You punished..."

Torin thought about what Elenor told him before He left and told him. "No... I wont, I told You that I am done..."

Akvhi has a look of fury on his face as He called the guards. The guards entered inside and grabbed Torin by the arms and forced him on his knees.

Akvhi went over to him and said with a serious look on his face. "It would appear that You have forgotten how to obay my orders, while You were spending time with my daughter.

It looks like You have to be reminded of what happens when You disobey orders..." He then ordered his guards to take him out to the courtyard and have every slave and servant gathered.

Torin got dragged out of the room and had a fearful look on his face. Meanwhile Elenor was getting ready for bed and heard shouting out in the hall.

She went to see the shouting was about and heard a man say to the servants. "You three, to the courtyard now! An order from his majesty."

Elenor went over to the guard and said. "What's going on?" The guard looks at her and said. "Go back to Your chambers, its none of Your concearns..."

Elenor looks at him for a few seconds before She started running to the courtyard. The guard shouted at her to come back but She didn't listen and She kept on running.

When She reached the courtyard She saw the servants and the slaves gathered by the wooden platform. And on top of that platform is Torin who has his hands tied behind his back as He is held by two guards.

On the right side of the stage stands the commanders who has a stoic expression on their faces. Except for Tarwin who has a little smirk on his face as He is about to see Torin get what's coming to him.

Standing by the wooden pole Akvhi who does not look happy as He starts addressing his servants. "Tonight, The Mutt who has decided to not be a obedient little dog that He is.

And will be facing the consequences of not listening to what his Master's orders. To show what happens when You do not know Your place in my Kingdom!"

Elenor has a fearful look on her face hearing him say this as Akvhi continued on with his speech. " As Punishment for disobeying a direct order, He will receive 500 lashes. If any of You will rather take his place and receive his punishment, Be my guest for no mercy will be given to You either..."

Elenor took notice that no one dared to step forth and stand up to Torin. She turned back to Torin and saw the fearful look on his face and didn't want him to suffer.

So She took a deep breath and said with a serious look on her face. "I take his Punishment!" Everyone turned their attention to her as Akvhi looks at her and said with a serious look on his face.

Daughter of the Dragon KingWhere stories live. Discover now