Chapter Fourteen

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The training arena could be described in many ways but to sum it up in one word Lily would say it was captivating. Massive Grey walls the color of smoke with hundreds of weapons lining them drew her attention immediately.

There were so many things that were used to hurt people. Bows, knives of a variation of sizes, staffs; some wooden some metal, bat-like things with a ball of spikes attached to a chain, and too many more she didn't know the name of.

But although it should have scared her she felt free somehow. Able to release herself and not be afraid of what she'd destroy or who'd she hurt. Lily liked this room most of all she realized.

Her steps were silent on the stone floor as she made her way to where Roman and Julian stood. Luckily they were too busy staring each other down with death glares to notice she had entered the room.

Room was an understatement she thought, Colosseum was a better way of putting it. Lily imagined the armored warriors in Rome fighting to the death but without the sand and chanting audience, a smile tugging at her rosy lips.

Her shoes made a slight noise earning her the attention of both boys. Roman smiled instantly quickly swallowing up the distance between them, reaching for her. Julian on the hand stood there stone-faced and fuming. He was always mad or had a sour look on his face that she didn't understand. How could someone be so angry all of the time? Didn't he get tired?

Julian's hands were in the pockets of his black slacks, his stance portraying his lack of desire to be here. She didn't know if it was because of her, Roman, or the simple fact that he was never in a good mood. Frankly, she was getting tired of his unpleasant attitude.

"Well if it isn't my least favorite person. Here to keep more things from me or ruin my day some more?" Lily's words struck him unfavorably.

He whipped back at her with equal fervor, "I never kept anything from you. And you don't even come close to the shit on my shoe let alone a person," he spat out.

Hurt flashed in her eyes turning the deep forest of them into a midnight olive. No emotion sat across his wretchedly handsome face which was no surprise. Miserable beautiful man. Lily hated him incandescently but she hated herself more because she knew she didn't really hate him no matter how much she should. His presence tugged at her and that infuriated her the most.

Roman, ever the peacekeeper wrapped his arms around Lily engulfing her with his enormous body, and said, "Don't mind him Reid he's like a feral cat."

Despite the warring feelings inside her Lily released a laugh. "That's great. I'd try hugging you back Ro but your ginormous body is literally covering all of me."

Roman stared at her for a moment before letting go of her.

"You called me Ro. Nobody's ever called me that," he said with a wide smile.

Lily crossed her arms across her chest, "well I guess it's reserved for me then. It's only fair since you hardly ever call me by my name."

"I am profoundly honored to be your Ro, Reid." His sunshine spirit was always a welcome breath of fresh air to her insanity lately and she was grateful for it.

But before she could say anything, Julian cut in.

"If you two are done, train, Golden boy," he growled. Lily dismissed him, giving her full attention to Roman which she was beginning to discern Julian absolutely hated. Good, she thought let him hate it.

"Okay where do we start first," Lily said excitement filling her gut. Roman walked over to the wall of weapons and pulled a ribbon off of it that she hadn't even noticed was on there.

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