Chapter Eight

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Lily had completely forgotten about her father. Guilt rippled through her. She knew she should've told him she was leaving, or at least mentioned something. He was constantly worried ever since Lily's mother had disappeared.

George stood in the living room with his arms crossed as he said, "Lily Phoebe Reid, where the hell have you been?"

Shame curled in her gut, her father never cursed. Red shame tipped her small ears as she responded, "Dad, I'm so sorry. I was with Analia-"

Her dad cut her off, "Are you really going to insult me and lie after everything we've been through? You would think you'd tell me if you were going to leave the house, going god knows where. I came home and no one knew where you were. Can you imagine how that made me feel?"

Her father was shouting now and Lily felt her emotions bubbling up through her, trying to take control.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't realize what time it was," She said in a whisper, not afraid of her father but ashamed of the worry in his eyes. She had put that worry there, she was selfish and a terrible daughter.

"I can't believe you would be so irresponsible. Your mother never thought twice about her actions either. Now we're mourning her. I can't mourn you too Lily. I can't" His voice cracked at that last word. Angry tears formed in his eyes.

She couldn't breathe. Every fiber of her being felt like it was on the edge of combusting. Lily closed her fists and shut her eyes to try and tamp down the magic coursing in her.

Green mist engulfed the living room, her father stood as still as a board. Unmoving. Anger and shame clawed their way to the surface despite her best efforts.

Lily could feel her back arching forward as her power exploded forward. Her father flew into the air and landed on the glass coffee table, shattering it to pieces.

A shrill scream escaped her, she froze for only a second before rushing to his side. "Dad, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Dad. I didn't mean to."

Tears streamed down her face as she continued her mantra of apologies. She couldn't believe what she had done. How could she hurt him? It was simple, she was a monster.


Liam cracked his window open slowly, trying to make as minimal noise as possible. He had snuck out hours before when his dad was frantically calling everyone he knew asking if they knew where Lily was.

He left unable to sit and do nothing while Lily was missing. He searched everywhere for her. Analia was going out of her mind but they didn't find her. Hopefully, she was home.

Not wanting to even contemplate any alternatives, Liam sat on his bed. There was a loud crashing sound that broke him out of his tumultuous thoughts for Lily.

Liam ran downstairs taking two steps at a time and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lily stood over their father who was unconscious and bloody, broken glass surrounding his limp body.

Liam didn't know whether to run to them or proceed with caution. What the hell had happened? Lily kept repeating I'm sorry. I'm so sorry over and over again.

He gently put his hand on her shoulder. Ir was shaking uncontrollably. Liam asked carefully, "Lily, what happened? What did you do?" Lily's head snapped up, hurt visible in her dark green eyes that were normally a few shades lighter.


"I didn't mean to, Liam," Lily said low but defensively.

Liam looked around the room, concern visible in his eyes, at the green mist surrounding the living room. "Why is it green in here?" Lily barely heard his whispered question, her brain beat against her skull.

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