Chapter Nine

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Lily pulled into the school anxiously. She didn't know if Roman was here yet, so she waited. The crippling feeling of uncertainty was causing her to feel nauseous and uneasy. Little beads of sweat tickled her brow, and she wiped at it with her hand. Sticky sweat covered her palm, and she wiped off onto her jeans, disgusted.

Her phone buzzed then, and she jumped in the seat, hitting her head on the roof of the car. Lily rubbed at the top of her head as she took her phone and saw Roman's number on the bright screen. Relief racked her, and she quickly pressed the green button.

"So were you going to come in, or are you just going to sit in your car wiping sweat off yourself all night." Sarcasm was evident in Roman's tone, and Lily was mortified that he had seen her. But how had he seen her, she wondered.

Lily walked out of the car and locked it twice. The last thing she needed was for someone to steal her father's car. Thoughts of her dad sent that guilt she came to dread so much surfacing again. 

Lily tamped it down and used the lion-shaped door knockers to knock on the enormous iron doors. Roman's familiar warm face greeted her and another boy a little younger, probably around her age. He had similar features to Roman, but where Roman was light, he was dark.

"Welcome back, Lily. This is my younger brother, Jeremy." Roman's brother that made sense, she thought as she offered her hand out to shake. Jeremy reciprocated with an awkward silence.

"Hey," was all Jeremy said. He wasn't much for words, she guessed.

"Hi, I'm sorry it's so late, but I-I didn't know where else to go." Concern was shown in Roman's eyes as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"You're always welcome here. This is your home whenever you need it." Home. No, this wasn't her home, but it would have to do for now. She didn't have it in her to fake her frown, she didn't smile, and Roman didn't push.

"So my dad sent me and Jeremy to be your official guides. We'll show you to your room, " Roman said. Jeremy stood there with his hands in the pockets of his dark gray hoodie and said nothing.

He had a haunting but handsome quality with shoulder-length curly dark brown hair, a tall, lanky frame, but not the same chocolate brown eyes as his older brother.

His were a light blue like the clearest ocean she'd ever seen. It was the cheekbones and sunken quality that gave him that haunting look, though, she thought.

"Okay." It was all Lily could say. She had no more energy left today. Roman must have noticed because he didn't make a sarcastic remark or try to be funny. Jeremy said something about going to grab her key.

Roman held his hand out, laid it on her shoulder, and gave a light squeeze, "Today was a lot, more than a lot, and I know you're probably tired, but letting it out might help. You don't know Jeremy yet, but he's a sweet kid, and I hope you've at least begun to trust me. I, uh, I care about you, Lily."

He looked away, blushing. Lily was shocked she hadn't known Roman long by any means but blushing or shyness wasn't him. At all. Lily felt a tugging at her chest. That was sweet, she thought.

"Thank you, Roman. And for the record, I do trust you," she smiled weakly but honestly. Something about what she said lifted Roman's mood. He smiled at her with that charming smirk he loved using.

However, Jeremy walked back into the foyer before he could give her a flirty remark. He held the gold key between his thumb and index finger, "Got it."

"Okay, great, Lily, your room is on the fifth floor. Rooms are selected based on your year; since you are in your 11th year, you're at the top," Roman said excitedly.

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