Chapter Ten

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The sun cascaded into the room with streaks of yellow light blinding her. Lily clenched her eyelids tighter and brought the purple comforter over her head. Ugh. Was it morning already? She thought irritated. It couldn't be she had only just fallen asleep.

Lily shoved the covers to her waist, sighing extra loud along the way. Tendrils of her hair landed in her eyeballs, and she began to develop a migraine.

She glanced at the rainbow-colored digital clock on the nightstand beside her; it was indeed morning. Seven in the morning, to be exact. A loud screech had Lily jumping off the bed and promptly landing on her ass. Lily winced, only then noticing what the unwelcome noise was.

Apparently, her roommate, Sarah, finally noticed her. She was beautiful, to say the least. Tall, blonde, so pale she was almost translucent, which normally would have been weird, but on Sarah, it only made her more lovely. Aside from that awful high-pitched scream, she was perfect.

"Oh goodness! I didn't even hear you come in last night. Are we to be roommates, then? Oh, how wonderful, absolutely wonderful! I am Sarah Wincome," her energetic roommate said excitedly in a posh British accent as she held out her manicured hand to Lily.

Lily accepted her waiting hand and was pulled up with surprising strength. Her head spun, the migraine becoming more and more urgent. Pounding rang in her ears and made her blood rush. Lily didn't want to be rude, but she wasn't in the mood to chat. Or breathe at the moment.

"I'm sorry, I have a horrible headache. Do you know where I can get some medicine?" Lily asked Sarah while rubbing at her temples. Sarah's brow wrinkled, seeming concerned but quickly disappearing, a large smile back on her pretty elven face.

"Silly girl, you don't need medicine. Lucky for you, I'm a fairie. Sit on the bed there and close your eyes...I apologize. I only just realized I don't know your name." Lily didn't know what to make of Sarah's chatter. She spoke fast, too quick to understand in some moments.

"I-uh, my name's Lily, Lily Reid," she sat on the bed as she replied, the raging in her brain unbearable now.

"Such a lovely name. Now shut your eyes, love. This won't hurt a bit," Sarah said as she placed her icy fingers on either side of her temples. The cool tips were a soothing reprieve.

Lily did as she asked, and barely a second passed before cool relief spread through her head, alleviating all of her pain. It was gone, Lily thought astonishingly. Just like that, a touch of her long, skinny fingers.

"Oh my god, the pain is gone, Sarah!" Lily stood and hugged her, "You're amazing. I didn't know what you meant when you said you were a Fairie but thank god, my migraines have always been crippling."

"I'm guessing by that statement that you're new to the magical world," Sarah gave her a knowing look.

Lily shook her head slightly, "I just found out yesterday." Tucking a stray tendril of auburn hair behind her ear, she continued surprisingly calmly, "Found out I had powers that turn into green mist and can blast people into walls. But no Fairie knowledge as of yet, unfortunately."

A snort-like chuckle escaped Sarah, which wasn't what Lily expected her laugh to be like for some reason. She imagined it would be delicate or wispy, but she should've guessed by the high pitch of her voice.

Lily and Sarah sat there on Lily's purple ruffled bed, and for the first time since all the shit that had happened yesterday, Lily felt it might be okay. She had Roman, Jeremy was sweet, and Sarah was proving to be a great roommate.

But even with all the amazing new people in her life, Lily missed her friends and family. Liam was her twin, her best friend. Analia wasn't just her friend. She was her sister and her father... Guilt slashed in her gut, making it physically hurt.

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