Chapter Two

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Lily walked into the large yellow and green classroom already filled with other kids, Analia not far behind. The kids were loud and rambunctious, filling the room with infectious chatter.

About twenty wooden desks sat neatly in rows of five. They took two seats towards the back and placed their backpacks near their feet. Lily smelled the familiar classroom, a sense of serenity coming over her.

She had always loved school, the atmosphere, but above all, the learning. Learning things she had never known before was always exciting. Lily eyed the posters hanging throughout the classroom of famous quotes and phrases.

She pulled out her purple notebook and began to write what the teacher had written on the board. Mr. Calanthe was scrawled in neat cursive at the top with today's topic, the history of Paradise, below it.

Lily didn't need to glance around to see that the other students quieted down and focused their attention on Mr. Calanthe. The silence was deafening, but the other students weren't looking at the teacher she realized. The class had focused their attention on the person who had walked in while she was writing. Mesmerizing.

That was just one of the many thoughts that swirled around her head and likely the rest of the girls as well as some guys that described him. Electric blue eyes like lightning bolts scanned the room with a brooding look on his face.

His striking jaw, full lips, and lean yet tall muscular body didn't help. Like coming out of a trance, Lily sat up in her chair, creaks sounding as she did so.

Those striking eyes settled on her with an intense stare, and she knew a raging blush had spread across her pale, freckled face.

"Everyone say hello to our new student and resident here in paradise, Julian Fiorisce." Hello's and hi's filled the classroom, and he just smiled back as if not wanting to talk.

Curiosity spiked in her at him, and she found her eyes roaming all over him like a moth to a flame, helpless.

"What an unusual last name. Am I pronouncing that correctly?" Mr. Calanthe asked inquisitively.

In a low vibrating timber, Julian said, "It is pronounced fee-yo-rees." His voice sounded so regal, his speaking eloquent and graceful, just like his movements.

The definition of masculine grace and power radiated off him. Julian locked cerulean eyes with her before Mr. Calanthe had even spoken her name.

"You can take the seat behind Lily. Please raise your hand Lily so that Mr. Fiorisce here might know where to sit." Mr. Calanthe said with a hint of humor as he smiled to himself.

She slowly raised her slender freckled arm a few inches and couldn't help looking at him as he walked over, as though they were magnets connecting and unable to stay away.

Julian passed her and sat at his desk; his scent of sandalwood and cashmere wafted to her. She couldn't help herself as she inhaled that heady scent. Her body was stiff, and she didn't dare move at the risk of the world ending.

Then she felt more than heard him shift in his seat. Warm breath was near her neck, now tickling her skin, and another deep blush peppered her face as he said, "Do you happen to have a pencil?"

He might as well have asked about the space-time continuum because she had no thoughts or words that formed at that moment to reply.

She reached for her other pencils in her bag on the floor and breathlessly said, "Pencil," before shoving it in his hand. Lily turned so quickly that she was surprised she didn't cause herself whiplash.

Closing her eyes, mortification filled every fiber of her being as she sunk into her chair, hoping the world would suck her up. No other sound came from him though which was good she guessed.

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