Chapter Six

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Tears bloomed in her eyes and Roman looked extremely concerned.

"Stop Lily, that's enough. Let go of the connection. Let go Lily. LET GO! Lily please."

Roman was shouting at her now and clutching her shoulders shaking them but she couldn't let go. Green gusts of wind blew in all directions around them.

Lily's eyes turned an ethereal ghostly white and Roman screamed now shaking her so hard she thought he might break her neck.

Without warning the connection snapped and Lily crumpled in a heap in Roman's strong embrace. Lily didn't know how long she had passed out but when she fluttered her eyes open Roman's fear-filled gaze stared back at her.

"Lily don't ever do that again, I've never seen a ghost print do that before," he said with so much compassion Lily's heart clenched.

She said weakly, "I bet I looked cool though." Roman looked stricken for a second before barking out a hyena laugh. She couldn't help but laugh with him, it was contagious. Golden retriever indeed she thought.

Roman slowly pulled her up from the dirt-covered ground. Lily swayed slightly and Roman held her around the waist.

"Woah careful don't worry Reid I got you," he said with a charming smile that lit up his entire face somehow making it even more handsome. "So what did you see that made you go all storm from X-men?" Roman asked.

Cold sliced into her. She had forgotten for only a few minutes about that voice.

"It was a mother's voice. She um she called me wildflower, it was her nickname for me." Lily said in a pain-filled tone. Recognition is shown in Roman's features and pity.

"I'm so sorry Lily." Neither of them said anything for a while longer but then Roman said, "I want to take you somewhere, if you'll let me."

Lily gave him an unsure look but he continued, "It's the school. It's called Alfera Academy School of Magic and my father is the dean, I teach there. I teach young magical beings like you to harness and take control of their abilities."

"School of Magic," Lily said reverently. It sounded amazing but what about her school and her family?

"Don't you have to live there? I don't know if I could leave my brother and my father, or even how to tell them why I'm going. This is all so new and kind of a lot honestly," Lily stated truthfully. But Roman wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Lily I have met hundreds of students who were in the same boat and going to the school is necessary. Your powers are new and judging by all we've been through in the past few hours they're pretty powerful. You're going to need training and guidance." Roman said thoughtfully.

Lily considered all the facts and the truth was she did need to figure this out, it's not like her powers would just go away.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to just take a short tour." Roman yelped and spun her around. Lily giggled and knew that Roman was now a friend, someone who could help her.

"But a short tour Roman seriously, I have to get back soon my dad will be worried," Lily said.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart," Roman winked and started walking but stopped short which caused her to almost run into him.

"What the-" Lily humphed.

"Oh I almost forgot I portaled here so we'll have to take your car," he said with a half smile scratching his head.

"You what?" Lily didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

"Well you'll see more at the school but essentially we have the ability to portal from place to place."

That was incredible, like something she could only dream of.

"That sounds incredible, I really can't believe this is actually happening to me. I'm ordinary, nothing special," Lily said with disappointment.

Roman scoffed, "You are definitely not ordinary and are very special." His gaze bore into her making her suddenly feel the urge to look away.

She always felt different and apart from her mother and Analia nobody had truly known how to handle that. Roman made her feel that way too, so Lily smiled up at him. Roman towered over Lily as they held each other's gaze for a few moments longer.

Today had been a strange and terrifying day but exhilarating. She couldn't remember if she ever felt like this, she didn't think she did.

Roman cleared his throat and they both moved away from each other. They seemed to do that a lot she mused to herself.

Lily had always dreamed of adventure, something she never had. She was always afraid of taking risks, talking to people, or any type of change. It felt like a sign that this would happen now.

Her life had changed and she wasn't the same person. And this school would help her find her mother; she knew it. Lily slowly smiled and said, "Okay, but I'll drive. I just learned there's magic in the world. That's enough excitement for me today without you driving."

Roman scoffed again and put a hand to his chest, mocking offense. "Excuse you but I happen to be an amazing driver." Lily laughed and it reached her eyes, lighting them up to a bright green.

"Words and actions are two very different things my friend, and something I'm sure you'll learn is that I'm a very cautious person." Lily paused before saying, "And nothing about you says you are." Roman didn't speak at first, he just stared into her eyes.

"You know me so well." He said quietly. Then continued even quieter, "Did you know once your powers are activated, your emotions change your appearance? It's different for everyone. I think I know what yours is." Roman reached out and pushed a wild lock of her hand behind her ear. Goosebumps replaced the smooth skin where he touched her.

"W-what is it?" Lily said breathlessly.

"Your eyes. They turn into different shades of green. Beautiful." Roman murmured somehow closer to her now.

Lily's cloudy mind became clear when she felt rather than heard his voice rumble and said anxiously, "Let's go. Don't have all day and my dad doesn't even know I left remember."

Roman stood in the same spot for a second but then walked with her to the car. Silent steps accompanied them to their long walk back to the car, as well as the drive to Alfera with the exception of Roman telling her to turn left or right. She couldn't deny they had a couple of moments back there that she felt were something.

But they confused her and she didn't want to be any more confused right now. So she stayed quiet and drove. Wondering what was waiting for her when they reached their destination.

About twenty minutes passed before she saw the school come into view. It was even more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. Roman zapped the gates with a mist of blue.

Lily's mouth hung agape and she felt like an idiot because all she could do was stare at his hands. Magic, he had just used magic. And not just hearing sounds but real magic, it was amazing.

A blush crept up for the millionth time since she'd been with him as she watched him, amazed. But as they drove past the gates, Lily couldn't stop thinking about a certain pair of piercing blue eyes. 

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