Chapter Thirteen

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Julian and Lily locked eyes, both unblinking. Fiery rage boiled beneath her skin, threatening to melt her bones. Shock, confusion, and something else she couldn't be bothered to decipher were among her other million emotions.

But mostly, she felt angry and betrayed. She knew she had no right to be. He didn't owe her anything, but the slimy fingers of betrayal slithered around her tight throat nonetheless.

"You. Are you actually fucking kidding me right now?" Lily was face to face with him in a matter of seconds, anger fueling her, "Since you're sitting in the headmaster's office, I'm assuming you're a magical being or whatever term they use here, and you're a piece of shit liar."

She was surprised steam wasn't coming from his ears, which were turning redder by the minute. "I didn't fucking lie about shit. I also don't owe you a fucking explanation." Green mist fogged up the office slowly but became thicker by the minute.

"Guess the old man was right. You are powerful. I thought I was the only one who could summon my power so quickly. But it makes sense that you'd be dramatic," Julian crossed his arms, his lean, muscular frame making the stance the epitome of 'I don't give a fuck.'

Lily's temper flared, and her orb-like eyes, swirling with shades of green, stared at Julian threateningly. Hurt coated her voice as she spoke, "Yes, I get that. We're clearly not friends, and you hate me for some reason I have yet to figure out. But you knew what was out there, and if Roman could sense my potential, you probably could, too," Lily paused before continuing, steel back in her tone, "Unless you're just a dick for fun to everyone, and Roman is simply better at magic," she smiled smugly, crossing her arms across her chest.

He was in her face now, snarling, "Golden boy is nothing compared to what I am, Lily." The way he said her name caused her hair to rise at the base of her neck, her skin tingling. She was breathless, staring up at him. Lily couldn't seem to form words, his lips too close to her now.

Neither Lily nor Julian moved a muscle. Time seemed to stop until the door opened, and Headmaster Wayland burst through. Lily moved away from Julian so quickly that she tripped on the carpet and fell into the Headmaster's arms.

Julian stood in the same spot, expression blank, but now his arms were crossed. A deep cough reverberated through the Headmaster's chest as she righted herself.

"Thank you both for meeting with me. I apologize for the slight delay. There was an unexpected fire in the lower level corridors," Headmaster Wayland said, stress lining his handsome face, "Please take a seat." He gestured to Julian and Lily. The latter of the two felt dazed, unsure of what she should do or say next.

Lily's palms felt like they were on fire. Her skin prickled with discontent and displeasure fogging her brain. The Headmaster spoke, she knew that but all Lily could hear was the blood pumping through her body. Oxygen became scarce. Unfair. All of this was unfair.

Why had her mother been out there that day? Why didn't she tell her about magic? And why of all things was she upset, no furious that Julian hadn't told her? She didn't even know him but...some part of her, that subconscious part that lives beyond yourself, knew him.

Her soul.

And that bothered her to the point that Lily didn't realize when Headmaster Wayland stood and reached for her. Or when Julian held his arm out to stop him from grabbing her.

"No, let her release her emotions. You were right she's powerful but she also knows nothing about control or focus. She's irritating as fuck and I'm not working with her," Julian's lips tightened around the corners with derision.

That pulled Lily out of her head, barely. She knew she had to get control of her powers but it was proving to be much more difficult than she thought it would be.

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