I removed my hand away from her stomach, kissing her on the forehead. I grabbed Camila's sunglasses off the counter, sliding them onto my face before walking off the bus to where the stage is.

"You girls need to get on the stage," our tour manger, Erik said, trying to take Kayne out of my arms.

"Mama, I want to go on stage with you," Kayne said, looking into my eyes.

"Lauren, she can't go on stage with you," Erik stated.

I looked over at him before walking up the stage stairs with Kayne still in my arms. There was no way I was handing my daughter over to that greasy dick. Hell, I would let Mahorney hold her before him.

I sat down on the chair next to Ashtyn and Camila, getting Kayne situated on my lap before handing her the microphone to hold for the both of us. The crowd went crazy, screaming "You have the cutest kids" and "Camren is real".

"Say hi, Kay," I instructed, looking down at the girl who tried to hide her head in my shirt.

"Hi people," Ashtyn said into the mic. "I'm way up, I feel blessed," she continued, taking advantage of all the attention she was getting.

A few people laughed while others screamed, "You're so cute". The rest of sound check went by smoothly. Ashtyn looked like she was getting back to normal self. She sang along to the covers we did and even joined in on answering some of the questions. Everyone's attention was focused on her which caused her to act sillier than normal. As for Kayne, her face stayed hidden in my shirt. Towards the end she started to break out of her shell a little, but she was nowhere as close to being as outgoing as Ashtyn.

We all filed off the stage, saying goodbye to fans before huddling in a circle behind the stage as we waited for Big Rob to escort us to where the meet and greet was happening.

"Lauren Michelle, what the hell did you put on our daughter? She's going to overheat," Camila said pissed.

"I didn't pick out her outfit," I said, holding up my hands in defense. "She's the one who insisted she wore a heavy sweatshirt in June."

"And you allowed this?" She asked, her eyes focused on Kayne who was jumping over a rock with Ashtyn.

"That's the only thing she wanted to wear, but if it makes you feel better, she has a tank top on underneath," I said, trying to save my ass a little.

"Kayne, come here for a second," Camila said, completely ignoring me.

"Yeah mommy?" Kayne asked, running over to the upset Latina.

"You need to take your sweatshirt off. You're going to kill yourself if you keep it on," Camila stated, trying to take the sweatshirt off the little girl.

"No mommy," Kayne said, shaking her head and taking a step backwards. "I'm not hot."

"Kayne Isabella," Camila said, giving the toddler a stern look.

"Fine," Kayne pouted, holding her arms up for Camila to take the sweatshirt off. "I hate you mommy."

"And I love you which is why I'm making you take the sweatshirt off," Camila said, pulling the sweatshirt off her tiny body revealing her blue 'My Auntie is the best' tank top. "But you can still wear the sweatshirt around your waist if you would like." Camila bent down to her level, tying the navy blue sweatshirt around Kayne's waist.

"You're such a mean mommy," I teased as Kayne ran back over to Ashtyn.

"I wouldn't have to be so mean if her other mommy would dress her appropriately," She stated, standing back up.

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