Chapter 28

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I've had this constant headache for days now, and there's nothing I can do about it. Paracetamol isn't relieving me of the ache at all. I keep on getting the feeling that I have a major health issue that can't be cured using painkillers, but I shrug the feeling off each time.

Can't really tell if it's a good or bad thing. Maybe the second, but who cares? Not me.

Also, the fact that my rematch with Lil Skull is the day after tomorrow, and he's going to obliterate me. I know that much. I don't know who sent me to beat him up that day. I could've just done as planned and faked an injury during the match, but no. I just had to prove that I was not a loser.

Look what that cost me.

I check my phone to see that it's almost time for track training. That causes a grimace to form on my face. I'll be forced to spend extra time with Anais. After the incident at the hospital, she's been ignoring me.

I don't know why, but her not giving me any time of the day is worse than having to listen to her call me all sorts of insults during practice. Am I stupid for wanting her to call me a failure over and over again?


Is that going to stop me from craving it with every fiber of my being? Probably not.

The girls step on the track field after changing from the locker room. They're conversing in hushed whispers. Anais is the last to show up. She's wearing her usual black sports bra with blue shorts. She doesn't know that the male track team who practice on the other side of the field are focused on her.

Especially when she's running.

Or maybe she actually knows and is just drinking in the appreciation ignorantly. It's something she can do.

Begrudgingly, I stand up from the bleacher bench and walk over to them. The bruises on my face haven't healed up completely, and my kneecaps hurt like hell.

Falade tried explaining to me that I shouldn't show up at school looking like a thug and how my being sends a bad message to the kids. I told him to fuck off. What does he know? He only trails after those above him like a lost puppy.

Same with every other person in this town.

As I reach the girls, each of them greets me with flirtatious smiles, pushing their chests out. Including the ones who are still in JSS1 and 2. I shove down the urge to facepalm myself at their lack of self-respect.

"You all are aware of the upcoming Ridge Games, I'm sure. Falade wants you guys to work hard and shit. So, go nuts. Five laps around the field, someone should stay behind to time the rest of y'all. Probably the captain," I tell them.

Anais catches my attention after I finish speaking. I'm sure pure ice wouldn't be as cold as the look on her face right now. How can she be so hateful toward me?

She distances herself from the crowd and stops a few paces next to me. She claps, getting ready to address the team.

"For those of you who were under my punishment today, seven laps," she spreads her right palm, and a few people mumble.

Punishment? Why does this girl think that she rules this school?

"I don't want to hear any complaints or I'll increase the number of laps. Christy, you have work after practice, don't you? I suggest you increase your pace while running to ensure you don't show up late to Aunty Dee's." Anais continues.

Okay, now that is strange.

She is referring to the girl who's always following her around like a lost puppy. The little girl has the most pitiful look on her face as she nods her head, accepting her fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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