Chapter 9

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Hello wattpad! Today is my birthday and for the sake of that, I'm dropping this bomb. This chapter is dedicated to @pre. Crazy girl with extra wrong theories! 🤧😂


"Rule of law can simply be defined as the supremacy of the law above all things. It's—" The Civic teacher, Mrs. Mitchell, drags on but my mind is far from class.

"How are you doing today?" I stupidly asked as I blocked his path.

He gazed at me from my head to down to my toes before letting out a small scoff and taking a sidestep to get away from me.

Stupid me blocked his way again with a polite smile on my face.

"Uhm, would you like to watch the track team practice?" I asked awkwardly, and he furrowed his eyebrows, which was a cute look in my opinion.

"And why would I like to do that?" he asked impatiently.

"You don't really participate in sports, so maybe seeing the track team in action could boost your morale to join." I said with uncertainty, and he looked at me like I was a speck of dust on his polished pair of shoes. 

With a grim expression, he inched closer to me, and I gulped down on my saliva.

He was so tall.

"Uhm . . ." I found myself at a loss for words due to our proximity.

"Did little miss perfect send you to do this? To try and convince me to sign up for track so she can turn it into a competition?" I widened my eyes at his theory.

"No, no, no. Anais wouldn't do that. It's just me, I just asked because—" I couldn't complete my statement without confessing my undying love for him.

"Because what?" he urged, leaning closer to me, and leaving only a few inches of space between us.

"Because..." I trailed off, trying to find the right word to say.

"Hmm?" he pressed on.

Why did he even want to know so badly?

"Tell me," he said, closing the distance between us, and it felt like all the air from my lungs had been sucked out.

"Because I—" I didn't know why but my eyes drifted away and I saw Anais staring at us suspiciously, standing a few feet away.

I stared at her for a second too long, and Zayyad got the hint as he glanced at his rival and turned back to me. He bent his head lower to my ear level so I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

"Don't tell her about this conversation. And also, we aren't finished here. We'll pick off where we left off another time." He whispered before straightening his back and walking away.

"Christy, repeat my last words." A stern voice interrupts my deep thinking.

Oh shit! I wasn't listening.

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