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First of all, this is a fictional book. The location is fiction, the characters are fictional. It's all fiction, guys. Though it's Nigerian based anyway. But I don't want people asking, 'Where is this place in Nigeria?' and all that.

It's purely fiction.

Moving on, there are some strong themes represented in this book. There's talk about alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, assault, and all that. Also, there are sexual scenes. I think I'll write them in a vague manner.

Yes, they'll be very cringe to read and write but bear with me. There's also a dark romance trope going on here, though it's not really heavy but there still.

Also, bear in mind that these are teenagers between the ages of 14-18. They will surely make stupid decisions and do dumb things. Again, bear with me.

Once again, this book in fictional. I'm emphasizing on the fiction part now.

Then yes, the chapters. Some are long while some are short. Let's say within the range of 4000 - 7000. I know.

I plan on making it a series, but we'll see how it goes.

I won't tolerate any form of plagiarism on this book. All rights are reserved in this book.

Now that you know all this, you can carry on with the book.

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