Chapter 7

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Life gave me lemons, all I can do now is prepare myself for the sting.~


I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful.

I give myself a nice smile before walking out of my room and going downstairs for breakfast.

We have maids in our house but I never seem to see them. My Mom says they aren't to be seen. Their presence bothers her.

I walk over to the small dining table by the kitchen to see that my mom is already having her morning tea with toast while reading Ridge Town Times. My breakfast is served and ready for me, along with a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning, Mom," I say to her before dragging out a seat and settling down, dropping my fancy school bag by the side of the table.

"Oh, good morning, Elena darling," she smiles, "How did you sleep?" she asks with her eyes still fixated on the paper.

"Quite well. You?" I respond, taking a bite of my toast.

"The same," she replies.

Something comes up to my mind right then.

"Mom, is Dad still coming back home this weekend?" I ask, and her smile turns into a strained one.

"Oh dear, he won't be able to make it. They have a few issues to resolve in the company. Give it two or three weeks tops, he'll be back." She reassures me, and my face falls before I let out a sigh of relief.

Not that I don't love my Father or anything, but the man is too pushy. Whenever he's around, all he wants from me is perfection on everything. And I can't really give him that, it's exhausting.

But I miss him. He hasn't been here for almost two months now. He's away on a business trip in Abuja. He's business partners with Zee's dad, Emmanuel Bankole. Though, my dad deals in Electronics as well as Mr. Bankole, his business is not as prominent and successful as Mr. Bankole's.

My father may not always show it but he's actually envious of Zee's father. I don't really like how they think of everything as a business deal. It's just so–

"My God!" My Mom exclaims, cutting off my thoughts, and I flinch. The glass I was holding almost slips from my grasp.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask her, setting the glass down on the table and turning my attention to her.

She doesn't say anything, she just passes the paper in her hand to me. I cast a curious glance at her before collecting the paper and reading the page.

Successful businessman, Emmanuel Bankole, set to run for Mayor of Ridge Town in next year's election.

According to Mr. Bankole, being the Mayor of Ridge Town has always been one of his agendas since he was a child. And now that he is settled with an heir to inherit his dynasty, he plans on leaving the family business and going for the Mayor seat.

Not Perfect EnoughOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora