Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to Ifebodee__, to say that you've helped me a lot throughout my writing journey, would be an understatement. I absolutely love love you. Your patience with my madness is absolutely astounding. You're one of the best people in my life. I appreciate you much more than words could cover.


I'm pretty. I'm pretty. I'm pretty.

I keep on chanting those words inside my head as I walk over to where Zee is standing with a couple of guys.

I pull my crop top lower to reveal a bit of my cleavage. I don't bother adjusting my jean shorts that length to the middle of my thighs. I'm cold but I won't let anyone know that. I hold myself together like I'm not falling apart inside. Away by Oxlade is playing by our side of the party.

When I get to where Zee is standing, I tap on his right shoulder and he turns to face me. He smiles brightly as he takes me in. Then his smile instantly turns into a frown.

"Why would you wear this? Aren't you cold?" he asks with an agitated tone, and the guys talking to him take the hint to leave us alone.

"It's fashion, Zee. Chill out," I say casually, dismissing the matter.

"You can't be serious," says Zee, rolling his eyes at me as he folds his arms.

"I am. Besides, have you tasted the suya here? It's to die for!" I exclaim, changing the topic of discussion, and his eyes bounce to where the food table is placed.

"Really?" he asks, turning his attention back to me.

"Yeah, come on. Let's go!" I wrap my arm around his and pull him over there.

He glances at me warily, and I give him a reassuring smile. He uses a toothpick to take out one of the sauced meats and stuff it into his mouth.

"It's actually really good," he says to himself.

"I know. Kere really knows the good stuff," I say, and his features harden.

"Kere," he calls out the name like it's a poison.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.

"No, don't mind me," he says in dismissal, then puts on a lighthearted smile.


"Hi, guys!" A voice interrupts me mid-way.

The person comes to stand in the middle of Zee and I, without any excuse whatsoever. No surprise when I see that it's Kris. She's intrusive like that.

"Hey, Kris," I say with a nice smile, and she swiftly turns to face me with her hair whipping Zee's face. I see him frown at the gesture. I can't help but chuckle a bit at the expression he made afterward.

"Chi! How are you?" She pulls me in for a hug.

She releases me from the hug a few seconds later, and I take in her outfit. She's wearing a much more revealing outfit than I am. Which comprises of a handless bra-top and a pair of shorts that barely cover her ass.

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