Chapter 21

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~Is it possible for a person's eyes to light up an entire room? Or maybe it's just because she has angelic eyes~

Tonight is going to be amazing.

I can't wait to attend the banquet ad speak to my angel. It's going to be the highlight of my week. She hasn't been speaking to me for the past few days but once I hijack her at the party, she'll have no choice but to converse with me.

I wear my fanciest suit, in hopes to impress her. I know she cares about fashion, it'll be so cool. I send her a quick text.


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Ezra... 🥺🤭

R u cumin 2 d banquet?? I'm already dressed n I can't wait 2 c u again

Hope she sees this message and replies. I grab my jacket and walk out of my room in a hurry. The event started hours ago so I'm probably late.

"Juliette, before I go, can I have that mango juice that—" I cut my sentence off as I take on the last step.

Oh. No.

Juliette is wearing an awkward smile as her eyes stray everywhere other than my face. My being immediately stiffens. The air is restricted from my lungs, I can't move.

"Father?" I say but it comes out as a question.

In the centre of the living room area stands Emmanuel Bankole in all his glory. At thirty nine, I can't even compare features with his. While I'm all soft and delicate on the edges, everything about Emmanuel Bankole is regal and sharp.

There is no one on this earth that could summon the amount of authority Emmanuel does by just merely existing in a space. The man holds a captivating aura of power.

That's why I'm never able to stand next to him without slouching and trying to lose myself in space. Juliette must notice the tension in the house because she backs away and places a good distance between my father and I.

He beckons me to come over to him and I do so immediately, swallowing down every spirit of fear in me. My steps are slow and precise as I try to feign confidence in my walk.

When I eventually get to him, he taps on my back as an acknowledgement and I don't miss the strong scent of cologne he's wearing tonight. He looks extra polished.

"Thank goodness, you're dressed. Let's head out." He says in a hurried tone as he removes his hand from my back and turns away, heading for the exit of the mansion.

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