Chapter 22

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~The feeling of getting what you've always wanted but it's different from what you expected is one I never thought I would experience~

"You came," Zayyad breathes out and I bite down on my bottom lip.

"I said I would," the parking lot is cleared. Zayyad and I are the only ones here.

I try as much as I can, not to come off as awkward and nervous but I'm sure Zayyad can tell that I am. So when he takes a step closer to me, I visibly tremble.

"Why?" he asks in a serious tone. I stare into his dark eyes and how they watch me with curiosity.

"You wanted to talk to me." I mumble out awkwardly, triggering a scoff from Zayyad's throat.

"You would do anything I ask of you?" The question is supposed to be light but the way the words slip out from Zayyad's mouth, it becomes anything but.

He waits for me to say something even though we both know the answer. I let out a harsh breath through my mouth and puff out my chest.

"I would." My voice comes out as strong and confident, contrasting to the tremor that's happening inside of me.

"Good," he says as he reaches out to palm the side of my face.

His hand is so cold, but somehow his touch sets me on fire. His hand is big enough to reach the back of my head and his thumb makes harsh contact with my skin.

I turn breathless in the middle of the open parking lot. What if someone sees us? But we're not doing anything wrong, are we?

His thumb finds my lips and he smears them together.

"You're so fragile," he comments, I don't have anything to say to that, so I just keep quiet.

He continues to touch my lips and I hear him mutter the words, "So soft."

Once he seems satisfied, he let's go of me and shoves both his hands into his pocket. The air suddenly feels colder without his hand around me.

"I have a theory," he says and my face scrunches up on confusion. "I'd like to test it out soon." He adds in a mysterious tone before walking away and leaving me alone in the parking lot.

He would like to test his theory out . . . on me?

Why am I so nervous? It's not like this is a test or I'm being watched by anyone, right?

But it kinda feels like it since I'm the only one seated at the table. Anais is supposed to be by my side, but only God knows what kind of work her parents and Zayyad's parents are putting her up to.

Zayyad . . .

I shouldn't even think about him right now. Everything about him is so complicated. First, he insults me, then he compliments me. Like, what kind of person is he?

The kind I've been in love with for three years and counting . . .

I'm starting to rethink my tastes on love and men.

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