Chapter 14

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I wasted the last cash I had on me to make it here. I took a bus that goes two towns over Ridge Town, then I trekked from the bus stop to get here. I didn't get to take a shower this morning, and the bruises from last night probably look worse now than they did yesterday.

The gym isn't open yet. I know this, but I hope this works as an advantage for me. Johnny's Gym is a black one-storey building that stands tall, surrounded by small shops in a street that's not on any map. There's no indication of what the building represents to onlookers, and it's better that way.

I walk up the small steps and pull the glass door open. The cool air from inside slaps my face as I take a step in. I close the door behind me and begin marching inside, only to get blocked by Bruno—the security guard.

His dark skin could put the color of a black nylon to shame. He's donning black two-piece currently. His round ugly face is wearing a frown as he folds his chubby hands. Bruno has at least five inches on me, not to talk of the muscles—abi, fat—that surrounds his giant figure.

"You know that you're not supposed to be here during the day," says Bruno with his deep baritone voice.

"I'm here to see Johnny," I say.

"I don't believe you. Big Ben, you're not welcome here during the day. Leave!" he snaps, pointing at the door behind me.  

"Bruno, don't be like this na. Johnny said to come today to get my cut from last night. I swear." I start to whine, and now, Bruno just looks irritated by my presence.

"Johnny doesn't work like that. Big Ben, go home and hopefully branch a river to deal with that stench of yours as well as a hospital because you look like shit."

No, no, no, this isn't right. He can't send me away. I'll have to walk all the way back to Ridge Town, and I can't do that in my condition. My right kneecap hurts like hell, and I can barely see with my swollen left eye. I bet that two of my ribs are actually broken. I need my cut from Johnny.

"Bruno, I swear, I just need to talk to Johnny. Just call him out for me, please!" I beg, but the black giant doesn't appear to be moved by my pleads.

"You're forcing my hand," he says gruffly before grabbing my left forearm in an attempt to throw me out of the gym.

"Johnny! Johnny, come out! It's me! Big Ben! Johnny! Johnny! Jo—"

I'm already thrown out of the gym, and the doors are slammed on my face immediately after.

I can not go back home empty handed. I start to bang on the glass door heavily. They have to let me in.

"Johnny! Johnny! Johnny, come out here!" I yell, still banging the door but there's no answer.

"I'm fucked . . ." I drawl, slamming my head against the glass door, giving up the fight.

I can't believe these people actually fucked me over. People that I could've destroyed before with just a snap of my fingers. God, I hate my life.

"Johnny, don't do this," I beg against the glass. "Please, please, please—"

"Son, would you stop kissing my glass?" A voice calls out behind me, and I flinch in shock before turning to look at the owner of the voice.

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