Chapter 23

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Fucking Anais.

Always ruining everything with that loud mouth of hers. I was finally with my Toy, enjoying myself, she just had to ruin everything.

My Toy stands next to me uneasily as Anais gives her bullshit speech. People who don't know her would think she's some kind of genius angel. Not aware that she's the devil in a female's body.

"Go back to your seat." I tell My Toy but she doesn't even have the courage to look at my face, her eyes are on the floor and she just nods at my words. Finding her way back to her table without so much as a glance my way.

I make my way back to my own table, with Aminu and my mother. Both of which look uncomfortable for some reason. As I settle down, the first thing Aminu does is question me.

"What were you and your little gang talking about?" he asks me in a light tone but I can tell that's just because there are people around and he doesn't want to sound like a crazy person.

"Nothing." I grit out of my mouth as I play with the table cloth in front of me, unconsciously.

"Don't let me ask you again." His voice suddenly turns ten shades darker and an octave lower.

"Anna was nervous about her presentation and we were trying to boost her morale." The lie doesn't even sound believable to my subconscious self. Aminu stares at me through hooded eyes, no doubt he knows that I just lied.

Instead of calling me out on it, or threatening me, he let's the matter go, taking a sip of his wine and relaxing into his chair.

"Emmanuel is up to something," he says carelessly to himself. My eyes casually stroll to the back of the hall where Emmanuel and his loser son are standing.

Not to be a traitor or anything, but I've always had respect for Emmanuel. The man always knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. I'd be surprised if I ever found out that he's ever made a mistake in his life.

Whereas, that puny twat of a son he has is worlds different from his father. I remember when we were kids and were forced to hang out with each other at public events, I totally hated it.

The boy has no ambition, no smarts, no cunning cleverness. He's the easiest pushover the world has ever seen. Trust me, I know what I'm saying.

I turn back to face Aminu and the man has his thinking face on. He always thinks Emmanuel is out to get him and vice versa.

It might be true but both men are smart enough not to do anything outrageous to the other in public. Or are they?

Anna finishes her speech and not even a second later, loud afro pop booms round the hall. I can't say I didn't expect something like this to happen.

No doubt it involves Ife and his cronies because they are the ones standing up from their seats and moving to the centre of the hall to dance shamelessly.

What I wouldn't give to not be a part of this town . . .

I try to focus on something other than the annoying loud noise spread across the hall and as my eyes would have it, I catch Anais storming off from the centre of the hall to the back area.

Something seemingly surprising happens after that.

The boy, Eric or Ezra, whatsoever his name is takes the same path Anais just just took.

Interesting . . .

To others, not me. I don't think Anais would appreciate it if I butt headfirst into her business anymore. She made it clear to me yesterday that I should stay away from her. That's exactly what I'm going to do—should do.

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