Chapter 16

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It was like reality was giving me a heavy slap on the face when I heard of the news. I've still not come to terms with your passing yet. This chapter is dedicated to @donald. You're one of the best writers I was ever fortunate to know. May your light shine on. ❤️❤️


"Are you serious?" I ask Anais, and she rolls her eyes.

"When am I ever not serious?" She stabs the food on her plate as she responds.

"So, you're actually saying that Ezra. The Ezra Bankole, texted and flirted with you!" She slaps the back of my head after I say those words.

"Can you stop talking so loudly?" She hisses.

"But, this thing is so confusing. So, is he like crushing on you or something?" I ask, still confused and a little bit shocked.

"How am I supposed to know that? The boy is an idiot,"

"He's an idiot?" I question.

"Yes!" she exclaims. "I mean, this boy couldn't solve simple questions on circle geometry. Something that even you can solve them."

"Maybe, he just has a problem with the topic. He can't be a complete idiot. He has a company to run." I say, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Not only that. He types in short forms and slangs! Slangs, Christy, slangs! Who does that?" She complains. Why is she so affected by this?

"The way you're describing him just seems so different than the way I thought he would be," I tap my chin as I speak.

"How did you think he would be? Smart? Proper? Classy?" she questions before taking a gulp of her bottled water.

"I don't know, maybe. You make him sound like a goofball,"

"Because he is one!"

"Okay oh. So, when next are you two going to meet up?" I whisper. The side of her lips tug up with irritation.

"Meet up ke?" she says. "The first time we spoke was because he was stalking me in the forest during the party. Yesterday, it was just because Sarah's car broke down and she needed someone to give her a lift home. I have no intention of meeting him again." She explains, and I find myself not believing her words.

"That's really something," I shake my head, dipping my hand into her bag of chips.

"Really, really something!" A new voice chips, and I stiffen at the sight of the owner.

Anais glares at Ife, and the boy grins in response, dropping down on the space next to me, across Anais.

"Why are you here?" asks Anais, and I get chills from the tone she uses.

I can feel the heated stares of people on us. They are probably watching to catch the drama that's about to unfold. Drama is bound to happen whenever Anais and Ife are within three feet of each other.

"Can't I hang out with my favorite girls anymore?" he sarcastically replies, bumping shoulders with me.

"Ifeoluwa, I'm not in the mood for your meaningless verbal diarrhea. Get out." Anais says dismissively.

Ife seems unbothered, despite how irritated Anais looks just by being in the same vicinity as him.

"Ah, your majesty, don't be so mean. It might turn your subjects against you," he says—looking at me—mischievously.

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