Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to Oluwa_Daralicious. Thank you for finally updating, girl! You're so amazing and you know you look like me! 😗😉


I have a match today.

I'm wearing my least fanciest outfit. Not that there's any incredibly fancy attire in my wardrobe—small Ghana-must-go bag. Since I have zero cash on me, I'm forced to walk two towns over to Johnny's gym.

I have no idea who I'm fighting tonight. I have no idea if I'm even in a good state for fighting tonight. What I know is that I have to get money at the end of the night.

Johnny's Gym is packed by the time I get there. The person I'm fighting tonight must be popular with a supportive fan base.

Cars are lined along the road, and I can see potential audience handing out their tickets to Bruno before entry into the gym. I frown at the sight of him doing his job dutifully.

When will Johnny let go of this black giant?

Probably never. Bruno happens to be his favorite the employee. Johnny's little big boy who always does his bidding without question. Kind of like me, but tamed.

I debate going over to stand in line with the rest of the people or walking up to Bruno and demanding direct entry. If I do the latter, he might have me thrown out of the way for good. Yeah, he hates me like that.

So, I go to the back of the gym and stand in front of the locked exit door. I have to kick it open if I want to enter inside.

I'm supposed to be saving up my strength for the fight, not kick opening doors, but I still go through with the risky plan. After my fifth attempt, the hinges loosen and the door opens.

With raised shoulders, I walk into the backroom. I drop my bag inside my locker and start to prepare myself for the fight. I take off my jacket and shirt, then shove them inside the locker. I change into my boxer shorts after that, then put on my gloves.

Since there's still enough time to spare, I settle on the bench at the center of the room.

I can tell that the crowd is pumped from the loud chants I hear coming from the main gym. I can't lose this match tonight. I know I'm going to make a lot of money if I win, and if Johnny is willing to share the money fairly.

I check the time on my button phone to see that there's ten minutes left before I'm called to the ring. No doubt, Johnny will be bursting through the doors anytime soon to give me a shit-filled speech about—

"Ah! Big Ben! My boy!" I hear a masculine voice call out before I complete my thought.

"Why are you sitting down looking weary? You're supposed to be pumped up? Should I call one of the boys to bring something?" he says the last part mischievously.

I frown, remembering the last time I decided to take something from him. I couldn't do anything for two days.

"I'm fine," I say, standing up from the bench to tower him.

He grins at me, like a proud father would to his son. It's always been like this between us. Once I set foot into the building, I become his property.

"Big Ben," he grabs my arms.

I give him a dry look.

"You have to lose this match."


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