Part 46

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Connor successfully dropped you off at home, quickly leaving to escape his dad's scolding. You waved him goodbye before skipping into your house. Locking the door before going to grab a glass to fill with fireball, which was the same as what you were shooting an hour ago. You didn't feel like mixing liquors tonight, choosing to stick to the same. The buzz was fading again, and you could start to feel the pain in your face and fist from the fall and punch. More alcohol would solve that, though, so that's what you did.

You still haven't even seen your face yet. Honestly, you were scared to. With the fading effect from alcohol, you were starting to feel the stiffness and swollen effect of your face. So you were going to be avoiding a mirror for a while, at least for tonight.

The glass you picked was now filled and ready to be drank. You grabbed a random snack to eat and use as a chaser and made your way to the couch. Quickly sinking into the cushions, grabbing a blanket to snuggle close while you turned on the T.V. to your favorite show. Zoning out on the images playing across the screen till your phone buzz. You set down your drink and answered it.

"Hello?" You answered as you took a bite of your food.

"You home?" Craig asked.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" You chewed your food as you spoke. Having no manners because you were drunk and on the phone with a best friend.

Craig sighed out in relief, "Kyle told me he left you at the game."

"Oh, yeah he did, it was rude," you put the call on speaker so you could reach for your drink, washing your food down with the alcohol, "I got a ride from this guy named Connor, he's super chill. I think you'd like him."

"Hm," Craig hummed bored, "What happened that made Kyle leave?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"Nah, he just called me and told me to make sure you were home, hung up after," Craig replied.

"Oh," you set down your drink so you could fill Craig in, "Not entirely sure why he left, just told me I was 'unbelievable' and walked away. Maybe it's because I caused a scene, but I was defending myself, so I don't know why he would get mad."

You heard shuffling from Craig's side of the phone before his concerned voice spoke, "Why did you need to defend yourself? What did you do? Why didn't Kyle defend you? Do I need to kick someone's ass?"

"Woah, slow down," you laughed, "I'm grown, I can defend myself."

"What happened?"

"Basically," you took a breath before explaining, " Connor sat next to me in the game, that's how we met, and at the end of the game his brother Isaac starts yelling at the reff and at Kyle, pushes Kyle too. But before that could escalate too far, Connor ran down and pulled his brother away. I then went out to check on Kyle, but while waiting outside the locker room, I ran into Isaac. Honestly, I started pissing him off by nagging him. Funny as hell, too, he was shaking in anger."

"You're stupid for that," Craig sighed in disappointment.

"Maybe," you laughed, "But after I pissed him off, Kyle walks out and Isaac pushes me out of the way to fight Kyle, so I spin him around and bitch slap him, backhanded and everything," you crackled.

"You were drunk, huh?" Craig guesses.

"Still am! Anyway," you took a quick chug of fireball, "I slap the guy, he gets all angry and starts charging at me, Connor then pops up, distracts him for a second and I don't know why, but I took the second of distraction and absolutely clock his ass, punched him straight in the face."

"Dear god," Craig stresses.

"Thankfully, Connor tackled his ass before Isaac could get me," you laughed, "Did fall on me though, so I have a bruise or something on my face, not sure. I'm drinking to forget the pain, honestly."

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