Part 6

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Leaving Kyle's house was awkward. Ike questioning you two while Kyle was walking you out. Kyle's mom loudly talking about how she hopes to see you soon, and when the door shut you could hear her ask Kyle if you guys were dating. The most awkward part was saying goodbye. Neither of you knew what to say so you settled on a wave. The situation finally dawned on you. You were so incredibly vulnerable around a man you thought hated you a week ago. Sure you've known him since you first started schooling. Being placed in his class every year since preschool. But you never actually knew him. You were close to his friends but avoided getting close to him. You always had a silent competition and gave each other dirty glare. Now he knew you had a drinking problem that has almost killed you. 

Shame washed over you on your walk home. You held your arms in close as you took the brief walk to your house. Opening the door you saw the half empty bottle of liquor on the counter, shuttering you avoided everything but what you had to do next. You scheduled to meet with Tweak in an hour and you still had to shower to get the smell of alcohol and puke fully off you.

The shower was long and warm. And the process of quickly getting ready was horrible and cold. You dressed for the cold weather and took off to Tweak's Coffee shop without another thought. Your mind was elsewhere since you left Kyle's, everything was numb to you. You didn't even want to go out, but you knew Tweak would freak if you no-showed him. 

Upon entering his Shop you were welcomed by his mom immediately, " Hi sweetie! Is Craig with you?" You gave her soft smile and shook your head before taking a seat in the booth Tweak, Craig, and you normally sat in. Tweak's mom knew to let things go and to take short or no answers, she was used to Craig. She was used to you and Craig coming up to the shop to hang out with Tweak for a bit. But it was just you this time, and most likely was going to be just you for a bit.

Tweak sat in front of you short after you sat down. You smiled at him as you greeted him like normal. "So, ah, um, how do I say this," he spoke before he broke off his sentence and buried his hands in his hair panicking.

"You don't have to worry about me," you rested a hand on his arm, bringing his hands away from his hair. You already knew where he wanted the conversation to be, "Just as Craig said, I'm not your problem, I'm my own."

"I can't just not worry."

You sighed before looking away from him. He was always your best friend, besides Craig. Tweak, unlike Craig, overthinks everything and worries over the smallest things. Asking him not to worry about you dying was stupid, even if you didn't drink, he would still worry. "Look I'm not going to stop drinking, I can't get myself to," you saw his eyes widen in panic, before he interrupted you, you continued, "but that's my own problem, it will be my own downfall. I know no matter what I say, you will worry. I'm just saying that it's not changing anything so don't bother."

"Do you not care about how this hurts me? Craig? Or others?" he looked defeated. Broken at the thought his best friend didn't care about what he had to say. 

"I can't get myself to care about anything Tweak."

You burned your eyes into the table, refusing eye contact. "T-Then don't expect me to care about you." And with that Tweak left. He stormed away from the table and left you alone. Left you alone with your mind numb and heart on the floor, stomped on.

Two best friends gone within 24 hours. Ones that were with you since you were 5, if not younger. You got into your car without a thought, you didn't start it, you just sat with your head on your steering wheel.

I really need a drink.

Barely out of your hangover from the previous drink, you picked up your phone and called your drinking buddy. At least you were smart enough not to drink alone immediately. 

"Hey drinking buddy! What are you doing?" you faked a tone with your friend. Disregarding everything that's happen, forgetting that you sat with your head on the steering wheel and tears in your eyes. 

"Chilling, it's only 4 in the afternoon tho," he questioned, knowing you wanted to drink.

"Hey you know what they say, it's five o'clock somewhere," you laugh.

He laughed before telling you to swing by, and that he'd be waiting. 

After he hung up you started your car and wiped your tears before driving to his house. His house was always the best to drink at. His dad let him have the garage so Stan turned that into his 'man cave.' He had heaters in the garage so it didn't get cold. He set up a TV and a gaming console along while several bean bag chairs to sit in. Wendy made him put a rug in the garage so she didn't have to walk on cold concrete all the time. You were thankful she done that. Wendy also made him have a basket of blankets in there since it was still a little cold regardless of the heaters. 

When you got there you didn't bother to knock before you opened his door into the garage. As expected he was sitting on his phone relaxed in his bean bag. "Wassup bum?" you greeted as you opened his mini fridge and grabbed two beers.

"Nothin much, you sure you wanna drink?" he questioned as he took the beer from your offering hand. 

"Duh," you laughed as you opened the can and sat on another bean bag.

"What happened yesterday?"

You looked at him before joking, "Wait till I have a few beers in me before ya question me, will ya?"

He laughed as he shook his head. His overgrown bleached hair shook along with him. "So what do you want to do in the mean time?"

"Video games!" you cheered as he picked up the remote for the TV. You grabbed the controls and handed him one as he got the game ready.

Authors Note

Gimme ideas!!!

Lemme rant rq
So I just quit my job :(
And I quit it for health reasons, I really loved everyone I worked with. But I've been forced to stay home since my doctor told me I needed to stay off my legs. So I haven't been since January and I just now decided to quit in April. I was finally pushed to quit since my doctor's tell me they need to drill into my knee and take a sample of my bone to figure out whats wrong with me. Which ew. I'm terrified of all that. But yeah that's all lol <3

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