Part 38

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You bit your lip nervously. He hasn't said a word the whole drive. Just sat strumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

Looking away from his face, avoiding any chance at eye contact before you spoke, "So where are we going?"


"Well, I know that much, but whose?" You reiterated, starting to bounce your leg nervously.

You saw him glance at you from the corner of his eye. "Depends. Whose do you want to go to?"

"Yours?" You suggested.


"Is your mom home?" You questioned, curious if you'd get some of her amazing food today.

"No, she will be later, though," he replied, still curt with his tone.

You finally twisted to look at him, "Are you actually mad at me?"

He clenched his jaw, "I don't know, am I?"

"Are you ashamed of kissing me?" You asked bluntly, finally getting out what you've been thinking.

"What?" He said sharply, genuine confusion plastered all over his face as he turned to look at you.

"Are you ashamed of kissing-"

"No, not at all," he sighed, "sorry I made you think that."

You hummed in reply, looking out the window, "it's alright." You weren't fully believing him. Why else would he shut down any talk about kissing when in front of others?

"No, it's not," he reassured. When he noticed you looking away, arms crossed and leg bouncing anxiously, he only wanted to comfort you. He placed his hand on your thigh, "I promise," he reaffirmed with a squeeze of his hand.

You dropped your crossed arms and looked at him. His expression was more gentle this time. His jaw relaxed, but he was still visibly upset. You overlapped his hand with yours, folding your fingers between his. "Then what is it?"

He rubbed his thumb over yours the best he could, "We'll talk when we get to mine." He looked over, "that alright?"

"Yeah," you nodded and looked back to the road in front of you. It'd only be a few minutes till the two of you would be at his house.

The few minutes couldn't pass fast enough. The feeling of his hand on your leg was making your heart race incredibly too fast. Your mind running faster.

When you finally made it to his house, he told you to wait in his room while he took the trash out that his mom told him to take out earlier.

You looked around his room for the millionth time, still looking at everything like it was brand new even though it's been the same since you've first been in it. The same worn dark wood on every furniture piece he owned and the same blue and green accents everywhere.


You jumped at his sudden voice, turning to see him hide a smile. "Hey."

He shut the door behind him, the door with the same wood as everything else. "So -"

"Why did you not like me telling Kenny that we kissed?" You blurted out before he could say anything. You wanted answers. You didn't think you did anything wrong.

"I don't like how you tell everyone about us," he corrected, "acting as if that's only yours to share and not mine as well."

"Oh," you looked down.

"Especially when we both complained together," he emphasized the last word," about how we didn't like everyone in our business."

Now you feel ashamed. He had a point. You were sharing things with no regard to how it affected him.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, talking steps closer to you. You were sitting on the edge of his bed, legs crossed underneath you. "Just, first you told Clyde how we never kissed, then you told Kenny we did kiss the second you saw him. It just makes me feel like I can't do anything around you without others knowing and judging me."

"I get it," you nodded.

"That doesn't mean you can't tell them anything, just clear it with me first?" He tilted your head up, making you look at him.

"I will."

"Good. I don't want you to feel trapped either, I would just prefer if you keep majority things just between us. And before you even think I want to keep things a secret because I'm ashamed, I'm dating you as far as everyone knows. I've also let you leave hickeys all over my neck," he let out a laugh, "I'm fine with people assuming I just don't want them knowing. You know?"

"I get it," you responded. He still had his hand under your chin, so all you could look at was him. After running your eyes over every feature of his face, you paused on his lips.

He smirked before leaning in, his hand moving to your neck and the other placed on the bed, making sure he didn't  fall forward. "Remember what we said last night?"

You licked your lips in anticipation, feeling his breath fan across your face. "Yeah," you whispered.

With that, he leaned on fully, connecting your lips together.

It felt even better than the first kiss you've shared. The alcohol made it too fuzzy to remember every feeling. Now you could feel the shaking to his breath as he held you two together.

You got lost in the feeling, losing the ability to continue sitting up. Falling backward and taking him with you. Your legs pressed on his hips, your arms coming to cross around his neck and pull him in deeper. His hands rested on the bed beside your head as he tilted more into the kiss.

You gasped and pulled back as much as you could with the bed behind you, "We shouldn't."

This was wrong. This was supposed to be a fake relationship. It's not an actual relationship. You didn't even know what any of this meant. Hell, you didn't even fully understand your feelings for him.

But when he pulled you in again, soft enough for you to stop him, but firm enough to show how much he wanted this, you lost your thoughts. He let out a soft moan at the feeling of your lips reconnecting. The feeling of his lips on yours matched nothing else. The sound of his mayched nothing else. It had that steady feeling of someone wanting you, and it was addictive.

You broke away again before you got too lost, "We're gonna blur the lines."

"Don't care," he muttered before pulling you in close and kissing you once again.

You lost any will to care, letting yourself fall deeper into the kiss. Relaxing every part of your body and letting yourself melt in his arms. You felt him do the same, his arms barely holding himself above you as he worked his lips against yours.

He was a pretty good convincer. You now cared as little as he did.

No matter where this led you, you wanted to continue being lost in him.

Author note:
I've only kissed 2 people before so idk if any of this is good lol or even makes sense.
Also, like every chapter, not proofread.

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