Part 5

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Waking up was strange, too say the least. The sun beamed straight through the blinds and directly on your eyes. Groaning and turning away you never wished to be in bed at home more. The blackout curtains that were in your room saved your eyes daily. "Mornin," Kyle boredly said as your rubbed your eyes, "how you feeling?"

"Like shit."

"Figures, you did puke up everything you ate. Woke my ass up at four in the damn morning," he stated as he crossed his arms. He was sitting in his rolling desk chair and faced you. A very unpleasant look on his face.

You groaned as you rubbed your face harshly, attempting to get the sleep completely out of your system. "Sorry man."

"You got the bad end of the deal, so don't worry about it."

You sat up and looked at him with a helpless smile before taking in your surroundings. You sat in the middle of the bed with the sheets tangled with your legs. You fiddled with your hands before you noticed your shirt, "What the hell? Where's my shirt?" You were in a baggy long sleeved shirt, one that you've seen Kyle wear countless times.

"You threw up all over yours while you ran to the bathroom. Thankfully it only landed on you and in the toilet so I didn't have to pick anything up," he said as he spun back to face his desk.

Taking that as a sign that he was done talking, you rolled over and grabbed your phone.


Stan- 5 Notifications

Kenny- 8 Notifications

Tweak- 19 Notifications

Mom- 3 Notifications

You let out a loud groan which Kyle turned to look at you. You showed him your phone and he laughed before turning away.

Stan- Craig said you're fucked up

Stan- Without me? Man thought we were drinking buddies. 

Stan- Kyle said you're really fucked up, like insanely

Stan- Need to not push it this much next time

Stan- You good?

You- I'm good, threw up my stomach but Kyle had my back

He replied instantly.

Stan- Good, don't scare me next time. This is why we drink together lol

Smiling you moved onto your chats with Kenny.

Kenny- u missed seeing a guy that was 100% ur type

Kenny- Wait- u see him all the time. This time in ur favorite gym shirt of his.

Kenny- Shit, Jess is wearing that tight crop top of hers, definitely gonna tap... again

Kenny- She's back with her ex so nvm

Kenny- Craig texted the group-chat saying u drunk yourself to death?!!?

Kenny- Kyle told me he was being dramatic. Good to know u ended up in bed with the guy that's 100% ur type

Kenny- u good though?

Kenny- Worried about you.

You reply to let him know your okay before checking your tabs with your mom.

Mom- I'll be back next Thursday.

Mom- Craig informed me that he's been checking on you and that you are doing good.

Mom- I wish you replied to my texts, I love you.

You- Sorry, was busy with homework, Love you too.

Now for Tweak. Dear God...

Tweak- Craig said youre going to die.

Tweak- are you okay?!?!?!

Tweak- nvm he told me that ur just a drunk fuck

Tweak- not my words

Tweak- sorry

Tweak- are you okay

Tweak- craig said youre fine and not our problme but im scared

Tweak- are you okay?!?!?

Tweak- please text me

Tweak- im scared for you

Tweak- i dont want you to die

Tweak- craig doesnt mean what hes saying

Tweak- he cares for you

Tweak- just pissed

Tweak- hes going to kill me

Tweak- oh god

Tweak- forget i said anything

Tweak- is there a way to delete chats?!

Tweak- text me asap

You frowned at the constant messages. His anxiety was already horrible and you just made it worse.

You- Tweak, honey, I'm fine. I had too much to drink but Kyle helped me out and took care of me

Tweak- Doesn't Kyle hate you? Don't you hate him?!

You- Apparently it was just a misunderstanding, I don't really know.

Tweak- Can we meet later?

You- Will Craig be there?

Tweak- He doesn't want to see you for a bit...

You- oh

You- I guess thats fair, we can hang tho

Tweak and you sorted plans to meet later at his coffee shop while he's on break. With the mass amount of texts being dealt with you stood up and walked over to Kyle's desk. You peered at his computer that was filled with too many unknown words for you. With that you let your head fall on his shoulder and let out a loud groan. "Can you not do that literally in my ear," Kyle said as he tried to nudge you off him. Him complaining caused you to let out and even louder groan in his ear. "Dude shut it, my mom's going to think we are doing something else," he whispered yelled while he slapped a hand on your mouth. With that you let out a loud yet muffled moan. His eyes widened as he pushed you away while you started cracking.

Not long after, Ike storms into the room, "Are you guys having sex?!"

You stopped your laughing and looked at Kyle weirdly, he met you with the same look before speaking, "If we were why would you just barge in here without knocking?"

"Do you even know what sex is?" you question.

"I can barge in wherever I want! And I know what it is," Ike stomped. He was frustrated with the weird stares you and Kyle were giving him, and it was obvious.

Kyle stood up and walked to the doorway before harshly pushing Ike away and locking his door. You laughed the second Ike was pushed, Kyle joined you when Ike started screaming.

Authors Note-

Sorry for the short chapter and late update, I was in Hawaii!! I also got writers block so this chapter is kinda a filler. leave head-cannons/ideas for anyone and I'll try to add it in!

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