Part 30

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"Finally, you're here," you sighed in relief, greeting Kyle warmly.

"Why are you here so early anyway?" He questioned, walking behind you as you made your way back to the game room.

"Pre-game, and Wendy," you hummed.

You entered the game room with Kyle right behind you, everyone welcoming him along with your return. Rather than immediately taking a seat, you went to the snack table that Tolkien always had set on a small counter. He had random junk food snack packets littered all over it. It was one of your favorite things about his house.

"You look nice," Kyle studied. His eyes landed on your hat that had a sloppy paint job.

You smiled, "Came out a lot better than expected since I made it today after all."

"Why didn't you get the Toad costume from the store?" He asked.

"And have a huge ball of foam on my head? I'll pass," you snorted.

"Your loss, it would have made you hot," he joked.

"Am I not hot enough already for you, Broflovski?" You purred, leaning in closer to him. With the small distance between you, his blush was very obvious.

"Stop flirting its gross," Craig groaned.

With Craig's call out, you leaned away and grabbed a snack before going to take a seat. Kyle followed behind shortly after, leaning on the couch's armrest since all the seats were taken.

"When's Stan and everyone getting here?" You asked quietly, looking up at him.

He leaned a bit more down as to talk quietly with you, "Soon, he has to drive home from work first here. Hes being slow."

"Missing your Mario?" You teased, taking a jab at the Luigi costume he was currently in.

"Definitely," he rolled his eyes, "Anyway, he'll probably look for Wendy first thing. How long till she's done?"

"I don't know, we've been here for a bit, but I haven't seen her since we got here," you answer.

"Do you know where she is?"

"No, I'm not her mom," you laughed.

He sighed, "I'm asking for Stan." You just shrugged again. "He doesn't like Tolkien, like at all. Especially with Wendy," he whispered.

"Yeah, I know that, but she's not going to do anything," you gave a hushed reply back.

"That's not what Stan thinks. He hardly trusts me around her, and he's been lightly drinking all day since his friend is the bartender," Kyle warned.

You sat in thought for a moment, "Should we go find her? The party is going to start soon."


With that, the two of you left the game room.

Tolkien's house is huge, and with your luck, the last room you check will be where they are. Halls filled with expensive art and random photos with celebrities. Rugs lining the middle of every huge corridor.

Kyle and you stuck together, talking through every room that was checked. Sure, it was slow, but you weren't going to go through 30-plus rooms alone.

"Do you think Stan will assume Wendy's cheating?" You asked.

"No idea, honestly," he sighed.

In room 28, you found the two. When you walked in, you saw Wendy and Tolkien hugging. Them sitting on the barstools that were next to the counter of the mini kitchen.

Kyle and you decided to stay quiet, exchanging a knowing glance before getting out of view to easedrop.

"I just feel so horrible," Wendy sobbed.

"I know, but you shouldn't," Tolkien comforted.

"I'm a horrible girlfriend," she hiccuped.

You looked over at Kyle with a confused face. Him having furrowed brows with the same confusion you had.

"No, you're not. I doubt Stan thinks that either."

"I never do what he wants, even if I know that I'm hurting him. No matter how much I try, he still drinks and is still sad."

"You can't control his feelings. It's not like you're actively trying to hurt him. A relationship has agreements and disagreements."

"Still, I'm horrible! We always argue," she cried, "and I'm pretty sure I assaulted him."

"Wendy, talk to him."

"He'll feel guilty."

"Doesn't matter, your suffering. The only way to ease your mind is to talk to him."

You frowned at the conversation, only slightly upset about the fact that she hadn't come to you about it.

"We should let them talk," Kyle whispered to you, causing you to reluctantly agree and follow him back to the game room.

It's not like you were in the dark about Wendy being insecure. You just wished she felt more comfortable talking about it with you. Her talking to Tolkien was going to cause too many problems to list off, which is mainly Stan's fault for being insecure about the relationship. The two had plenty to work on.

"Hey," Stan waved at you guys from his space on the couch.

You and Kyle exchanged an awkward glance before giving Stan an equally awkward smile. He gave you an odd look before shrugging it off and moving on.

With the attention of you, Kyle and you made your way to the corner to talk.

"Do you think she'll tell him?" You asked, crossing your arms in worry.

"Hopefully, if Stan finds out she's going to another guy for advice, he's going to flip," Kyle responded.

The two of you kept hushed voices as you went through everything, trying to find a way to help. Every once in a while, you looked around the room to make sure you guys were still talking unheard.

"No arguing," Craig glared from his spot on the couch.

Kyle straightened his posture, "We're not?"

"Sure, the look you guys have on your face really proves it," Craig rolled his eyes.

You groaned, "We were talking about something, not arguing."

"Um, guys, the party is starting in like 10 minutes," Butters awkwardly butt in, "People already started showing up."

"Be normal, Craig," Clyde laughed out before standing up from the couch, punching Craig's arm as he went to go grab a drink.

You looked back at Kyle, "We got to make sure Wendy and Tolkien don't hang out, at least until Wendy and Stan talk."

"I go with Tolkien. You go with Wendy?" He planned out.

"I guess," you scrunched your face, worried how Stan was going to act if he found out. Stan always said, 'A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on.'

Authors note:
I have no idea where I'm going with this.

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