Part 44

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You guys have actively avoided anyone asking what changed between you guys, including talking between yourselves. Not a word has been discussed of what's changed. All that's been talked about was that you've kissed, nothing more and nothing less.

Honestly, you're glad about this. Yes, it would help you figure stuff out, but you haven't even figured your own stuff out yet. The whole situation kind of slapped you in the face. So why would you want to discuss things with others before handling it yourself. Kyle hasn't even given any sign that he wants to discuss it more. And that's okay.

"What are you thinking about?" Kyle whispered to the side of you, noticing you've been quiet for a while. His head lulled to the side in order to look at you.

You looked at him briefly before looking back at the stars above you. Taking a deep breath in, "Nothing, just stuff."

"Come on," Kyle nudged you with his elbow, "Don't be like that, you told me you'd tell me stuff."

You stayed silent for a moment, letting the noise of Tolkien's hot tub fill the air. The jets going off and filling the air with a loud hum. "You know, how when we walked in, Tolkien instantly started questioning about what's changed? That's what I'm thinking about," you started with the truth, not going fully in until Kyle gave some sign he wanted to talk more about it.


And you were right. He didn't want to talk about it. The idea is bitter sweet to you.  It hurt in a way, but relieved that he seemed to be in the same boat you were.

Silence took over you guys for a while. Kyle had turned his head away from you and towards the sky after you told him.

With the silence between you two, you had a moment to think. To analyze the stars. Tolkien lived a good way out of town, the stars vibrant in return. The sky is partly clear of light pollution, giving you a glimpse into what lies beyond. Deep blues and purples and bright stars painted across the sky. It was beautiful and calming. Just what you needed.

The situation between Kyle was an odd one. Fake dating because of an over controlling and obnoxious friend, but not fake dating at the same time cause you've kissed in private, and more. Maybe friends with benefits? Fake dating with benefits? Isn't that just dating?

Everything was running through your mind, and at one look over to the boy of your thoughts, you could tell he was having a similar dilemma. Eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the sky, as if they personally wronged him.

Did you even like him? Yes, he was attractive. He's amazing to kiss and fun to be around, but is that what it's like to like someone? How can you tell? Craig never gave you the opportunity to like someone, so how were you supposed to know? And it's not like you can ask someone. They already think you know that.

"I know we haven't been close for long," Kyle let out a sigh, "But I'm observant. I can tell you haven't told me the full truth." You looked over at him the same way he did to you before. Lulling your head to look at him as he stared at the stars.

"I hate you for that," you groaned.

"Yeah, sometimes I hate myself for that, too."

"I'm just confused," you let out after a breath of silence.

"Me too."

"Like everyone is noticing we are changing, asking what happened. But I'm not even ready to talk about it. I haven't even thought much of it."

"You haven't thought about it?" Kyle asked, voice slightly cracked.

"No -" You sat up straight, "like I haven't thought much of what it means, and what's changed."

"Oh, same. Kind of at a loss with all of it," he confessed, "Like something clearly changed, beyond physical means, but I don't know what."

You let out a sigh of relief, "I feel exactly the same. But what should we do?" You relaxed back into your seat, leaning your head back on the edge of the hot tub and looking at the stars.

"The same until we figure it out?" Kyle suggested.

You snorted, "Kyle Broflovski asked me to be friends with benefits? Can't believe you."

"You know it's not like that," Despite not looking at him, you could tell that he rolled his eyes by the tone of his voice.

"After asking me to be your fake girlfriend, you ask me to be friends with benefits," you playfully scoffed.


"What a whore. I bet you shower naked too you slut," you crackled out a laugh.

"Har har," Kyle nudged your arm, trying and failing, to get you to stop your laughing frenzie.

After a while, you calmed down. Letting the air finally fill your lungs again. "I'm alright with that."

"You sure?"


He shot you a look, questioning your sincerity.

"Honestly, Kyle, I'm fine with it."


A comfortable silence filled the air. Not waiting for the other to say more or fill the silence. Just sitting and admiring the stars above you.

After a while, Kyle grabbed your hand. Intertwining his fingers with yours. Despite the water bubbling and hiding everything below the surface, you looked down. A smile gently covered your face as you went to go look at him. Laughing slightly when he was already looking at you.

You looked at each other for a bit, content with everything. While this wasn't the steamy hot tub experience you thought was going to happen, you were glad of where you were. The steamy experience would have to wait.

You looked at his face, analyzing the way the soft light from the hottub was highlighting his features. His jawline became more defined, the curve of his cheeks being a contrast to his sharp nose. Everything has an emphasis on it. His eyes especially. While it was night, and the light was dim, you could still see the shine in them. The light of the green in his eyes is overshadowed by the dark of his pupils. It was breathtaking.

After a while, he returned eye contact, blushing when he realized he was caught looking everywhere but your eyes. Before he could look too long to the side, you whispered his name. Calling his attention straight back to your lips.

"You can kiss me if you want," you whispered, turning your entire body towards him slowly, welcoming. "Anytime you want."

He looked at your eyes while you were talking, only glancing at your lips every other word. "Okay," he said softly, licking his lips before pulling you into a soft kiss.

Authors Note
Late as always, but just on time, too
Not edited as always as well!

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now