Part 26

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Again, a strange sense of deja vu hit you when you woke up. The notable feeling of Kyle's sheets and the brightness of the sun that seemed through his blinds hit you. With a groan, you rolled over to palm at his bedside table. A bedside table that held a glass of water and two pills placed on a napkin.

To say you gulped down the pills quickly is an understatement. "Desperate?" Kyle's voice rang out from where he was standing. Right between his desk and his dresser, right in front of his closet. He was sliding through his tee' shirts before he turned to look at you, well, laugh at you.

"Ugh, whyd you let me drink that much?" You groaned.

"Let you? You're the one that down how ever much and called me drunk," he laughed, turning back around to go through his shirts.

You finished the water that you mostly downed in order to drink the pills and set it back down before flopping back down on the bed to cover your eyes. "Why do you always blind me when I'm hung over?"

"Sun is good for you," he said as his voice distanced while he leaned down to grab his shoes.

"Says the day walker," you teased.

He decided to ignore your comment and tossed the tee shirt he finally picked onto the end of the bed. "What pants should I wear with those?" He questioned.

"Why? Got a date?" You joked.

"No, just Kenny picked on me for my style...and he's poor," he said, annoyed.

"The black pants you own," you stated without hesitating.

He looked up at you confused, "Which ones? You gotta narrow it down."

"The ones that make your ass look good," you bluntly pointed out.

His eyes widened before he turned around and fished out the exact pair of pants you were talking about from his draw. You both laughed at the realization that you agreed on the best pair of pants he owned.

"What are you doing today anyway?" You asked, still cozied in his bed.

"You mean what we," he pointed back and forth between you two,"are doing today?"

You tilted your head, "Huh?"

"The groups getting the Halloween costumes today," he said before dropping the pair of pants he held next to the shirt on the bed.

The plans completely left your mind as a result of you drinking. The day you've planned for a week vanished after an eventful night of drinking.

First, you were supposed to meet up with Kyle so the two of you could show up to the group outing together. Which you already did.

"I need to change," you stated out of seemingly nowhere.

"Don't like my shirt?" He teased.

Your eyes shot down to your attire as you examined the shirt you were wearing. The same shirt he gave you the first time you got drunk off your ass and called him. Baggy, long sleeved, and his.

"Before you even ask, you put that on yourself," he laughed just as you opened your mouth to ask the question he already answered, "You complained you're shirt wasn't 'sleep comfortable' so you went in my closet and robbed me of the shirt I was going to wear today."

You mumbled out a sheepish 'sorry' before smirking at him, "You want me to wear your clothes to meet the group?"

He shrugged and turned away, "Do what you want, not like they will question anything."

"I still need pants and a hairbrush, so we'll have to stop at mine before we meet them at the mall," you state.

Next on your plan was to head over to the mall, the side that the Spirit Halloween store took over for the month. But to achieve that, you had to wait until Kyle got ready, drove you home for you to get ready, and then drove you 20 minutes to the mall.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now