Part 21

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You sat criss-cross on the green and blue rug that Kyle had in the center of his room. The poster board for your history project laid between you two. He was gathering notes while telling you what to put and where. He gave you the creative part of the project, and you couldn't be happier with that outcome.

"I don't know why he wants us to mix our two essays together. Makes no sense to take two eight page essays about different things and put them together," Kyle groaned, pushing his textbook of his lap and leaning back on his hands.

"At least we had similar topics to combine. The pain in the ass is trying to shorten 16 pages into something that can fit on this board," You reason as you stretch out your back, which was hunched over for the past hour.

He gave you a look to show his agreement and how tired he was. "This is ridiculous."

"We don't have to finish it tonight. We have till next week," you point out.

He hummed before sitting back up, "So what did you want to talk about?"


"At gym, you said you needed to talk about um," he coughed, "sex stuff? For some reason."

You laughed, "Oh! Bebe just pointed out that we don't really seem like we are doing anything. Like at all."

"What do you mean?"

"She pointed out that she thinks we haven't had sex, and kinda implied that we don't make out."

"How would she know that?" He questioned.

"No hickeys or anything, she finds it odd," you shrugged.

Kyle thought for a moment, "Clyde said the same thing. I don't know why they're so in our business about this."

"Yeah, we've only been 'dating' for a month. What do they want from us," you groan.

"Sex apparently," Kyle laughs.

"Is it normal to have sex this early on?" You question.

He shrugged, "I don't know, haven't really done anything to know."

That confession made you raise your brow, "You mean to tell me you're actually a virgin."

"Yeah, why else would everyone call me a virgin?"

You hummed in thought, "How though? Girls love you."

"And Cartman hates me," he shot back, leaning back on his hands again.

"Fair," you said. You sat in your thoughts for a moment. "Wait, so what's the most you've done?"

"Huh?" He looked taken aback. After seeing your curiosity, he shrugged in dismissal, "I kissed someone before."

"Who?" You pushed.

"Bebe," with your shocked face, he continued, "Once in like 4th grade. Wendy was trying to set me and her up, and Stan wanted to kiss Wendy, so we played Truth or dare or something in a treehouse. Which led to me kissing Bebe."

"Awh so Bebe was your first kiss?" You teased.

"Yeah, and first girlfriend? I guess? She kinda just threw me in a relationship for a little. I had no idea what was going on, though," he huffed.

"I remember her talking about your ass back then. It was halirious," you laughed out. He rolled his eyes, which just made you laugh harder before you asked, "Kiss anyone else, ass boy?"

"Don't call me that," he grumbled before answering, "Rebecca Cotswolds."


"That homeschool girl from like 4th grade, I kissed her then she became like addicted to it," he laughed.

Nice Guy {Kyle Broflovski x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now