Part 20

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"So, how's dating Kyle?" Bebe asked as she finished pulling her shirt down for the gym.

"Pretty good," you answer blankly, shuffling through your gym locker. You always got asked this every once in a while, so your reply has gotten robotic.

You heard the shut of her locker and turned towards her. She had a face that she always made when she wanted more information plasted on. Arms crossed, "Come on, give me details. You've been dating for a month now. There has to be something good."

"Uh? Not really," you shrugged.


"What do you mean how?"

"I just find it weird how the two virgins didn't instantly fuck," she points out with a laugh.

Her blunt words make you choke up and go wide eyed, "And who says we haven't?" The slightly stutter to your words made Bebe raise her brow.

"I see you get changed every other day for gym, and I've seen no marks. And no hickeys, and what teenager doesn't get those? Especially with a boyfriend," she smiled.

"We are just waiting. Is it not normal to wait anymore," You rolled your eyes, brushing off the embarrassment.

"Not really, but do what you want. I'm just surprised, like I guess he's a nice guy, but he is friends with Kenny. Kenny had to of given him ideas by now."

That made you frown. Maybe because you knew Kenny said those things. Maybe because you wish it was true for some reason. To have the love of someone entirely. But this wasn't a situation in which you did.

Bebe didn't know how to handle your silence or your gentle yet blank stare into the locker, so she said her goodbye and went into the gym. You shuffled your stuff into place before following her path a couple of minutes later.

"You good?"

You zoned back in for the first time since you talked to Bebe and looked up at the boy, "Yeah, just thinking about some things."

He nudged your shoulder with his, "What type of things?"

"Dating," you looked up at him, trying to convey the topic of fake dating without saying it aloud.

He hummed and nodded in reply before turning and talking to Kenny, which, before Kyle looked at him, was talking to Butters.

Today was an outside gym day, despite it being freezing out. The gym teacher simply wanted you to walk or run laps while it was snowing. You walked next to Kyle, Kenny, and Butters. The boys in a deep conversation that you couldn't get a grasp on, no matter how hard you tried.

After a particularly cold breeze of snow hit you, you hunched closer to Kyle's side. Arms crossed over your body and your hands hidden in your long sleeves.

"Aw, Kyle looks like your girl wants to snuggle," Kenny teased after seeing you shudder.

You took the opportunity and flipped Kenny off before walking to his side instead. Annoyed with Kyle looking at you like a lost puppy when you made contact.

"Warm me up, Ken," you said before grabbing his arm and pulling yourself close. Attempting to get any heat possible.

He made no protest other than shrugging in Kyle's direction.

"Aren't you dating Kyle?" Butters asked.

"Yeah, she is," Kyle replied for you.

You saw Butters face scrunch in confusion before the boys switched the conversation.

After the last lap of the field, you started your walk inside. Kyle lightly grabbing your shoulder to make you fall into pace beside him and away from others. "What was that?"

"What was what?" You looked at him.

"You snuggling up to Kenny," Kyle spoke.

"You always get lost whenever I slightly touch you, and I didn't want to deal with that, so I went to Kenny. I always do that, even before," you shrugged.

"Doesn't look very relationship like for us," Kyle pointed out in a whisper. His tone just slightly annoyed.

"Doesn't look very relationship like when you go wide-eyed."

"Well I disagree," the new voice caused both you and Kyle to twist your heads in the direction, "Kyle just looks like a lost puppy." Butter's smiling face made you look at him blankly, expectingly. "Like the golden retriever, it's adorable. Makes you guys the couple stereotype of black cat and golden retriever but sometimes you guys switch, it's quite odd."

Butter's rambling proved that he had no idea that you and Kyle were faking. Kyle and you both caught on to that and made brief eye contact.

"Yeah he does look very puppy like," you laugh out, taking the slight jab at Kyle.

"Hey! I don't look like a puppy."

Butter's smiled fondly before walking away.

"So on another note, golden retriever," you teased, "Can we meet at your house tonight? We need to talk about some stuff and we have that history project."

"My house?" Kyle groaned. He hated hanging at his house because Ike always started to bug him.

"Isn't your mom cooking diner? I don't want to miss that so please?" You beg.

"I guess, next time it's at yours though. I don't want Ike screaming that we're having sex again," Kyle agreed.

"Bet that was fun explaining," you laugh.

Ike came to bug you guys but when he did he heard you groaning through the door and started screaming that you were having sex. When in reality you were groaning over the fact that Kyle made you go bankrupt in monopoly.

Kyle's mom wasn't home that night so Kyle had to explain it without any evidence, and who believes a teenage boy with that. Sheila then bought Kyle condoms and gave him a long sex talk. Later that night he called you and started 'yelling' at you for making those noises. He was motified and that made you laugh so hard that he just saw the phone camera shaking with your laughter.

"It was, she didn't believe me at all," Kyle sighed, "She believed Ike when he doesn't even know anything about that stuff."

"Oh yeah, the thing I was to talk about with you is that stuff," you added on.

"What do you mean by that?" Kyle's face was bright red and it made you choke out in laughter while shaking your head.

"You'll find out," you said while leaving to go change into normal clothes.

Authors note:
Sorry, this chapter is kind of a filler, I had no idea where to continue after last chapter so this is where I put it. Next one with hopefully be better. I had to force myself to write this one. <3

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