~Chapter Fifty-Eight~

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"Eros, baby, you can't eat that.." I moved the Tego charm away from his small hands and kissed his forehead. He's almost a month old already and he's already taking things he shouldn't.

I moved him to rest on my chest and watched Angel walk into the room. He seemed troubled. He saw me and I saw the flame in his eyes glow. I clenched my jaw and pursed my lips. If I asked, he wouldn't answer. I knew him too well.

"I..." he started off, but soon he closed his eyes as a figure appeared behind him. I narrowed my eyes and held Eros close to my chest. What the ...

"Um... hey..." His blue eyes scanned my face and then rested on Eros. He clenched his jaw but looked at Angel.

I couldn't believe it. What is he doing here?! And how did he find me? How did he find us?! Oh my god... This calls for trouble.

He sighed and Angel slowly walked up to me. He sat besides me and I watched how his golden eyes glowed. He had a regretful look in his eyes, but was decided. What... what is he doing?!

"What's going on?" I asked and sat up in bed.

"Baby... I..." Angel spoke and looked down at Eros. He bit his lip but blinked, deciding himself. "I need you to go with him..."



He wants me to what?!

"What the hell are you talking about, Angel?" I asked and stood up with Eros in my arms. "I'm not going anywhere with him. I said I'd never leave you, and I never will."

He looked into my eyes and I looked away. No. I want letting him control me this time. I was not leaving. I was not leaving him. We have a family! Why does he want us to go away?! Did he get tired of us? Did he get tired of me? Does he not want us? Does he not need us? These damned questions! Ugh...

"Baby, it's for your own good. I need you to do this..." He said, or more like begged, and held my cheeks. "If not for me, for Eros... We can't be together now..."

I looked into his golden irises and saw how troubled he was. I sighed and felt hot tears wanting to emerge. I shook them off and kept my stance. I'm not crying. I need to know what is happening.

"Why?" I asked him and watched his pupils dilate. I stared into them yet holding my place. He clenched his jaw and sighed.

"Can you leave us talk for a moment?" He said to Ken and I heard a door being shut. He looked at me and sighed again. Why is it so hard for him to just tell me what's going on? "I did something... something I shouldn't have. And it has to do with us... with you... and..." he sighed and closed his eyes. "Eros..."

I clenched my jaw and felt my fangs pop out. A growl emanated from my throat and I held on to Eros protectively. What did he do now...?

I made him look into my eyes and forced him to tell me. I pushed every single wall away and got to the end of his soul. I didn't care about his privacy right now. I didn't care about understanding or giving him time. If Eros is involved, I need to know what he did.

My eyes narrowed and I gasped. No...

"You made a deal with who?!" I yelled at him and Eros began crying. I hurriedly cradled and tried to pacify him.

"I'm sorry! I just had to.." Angel whispered desperately and tried shushing Eros as well. I looked into his eyes and he gave me an apologetic look. "It was the only way to save you... I didn't want to lose you, or Eros. I had to do this..."

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