~Chapter Eight~

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Running through the forest...


Heavy footsteps are heard...

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Running after a pair of lighter ones...

"Run, Innocence! Run!"

Growling and baring it's teeth...

"Mommy! Mommy!"

A little girl kept running as fast as she could through the woods. Running away from the chaos that had developed itself in the middle of the forest. Her parents had ushered her to run away and keep herself safe while they solved the problem. She was scared and didn't want to leave without her parents. But a big wild beast was running after her, making her run away from the chaos and her parents until they were no longer visible..

Her cries were heard all over the forest, crying for her mother. The adrenaline rushing through her veins giving her the energy to run as fast as she could. She was still very young, but her skills were already pretty good. She couldn't merge into her wolf form until she was old enough. But her little legs still could help her keep up the pace and run as fast as she could.. she was a wise baby girl, too wise for her age, maybe.

"Mommy!!" Her cries continued as she ran through the forest. She kept running until she tripped and fell. She cried in pain and held her bruised knee. "Ahh!! Mommy!!"

She cried and cried, holding her bruised and bleeding knee. She was alone in the middle of the dark forest. The heavy footsteps had ceased.. the beast was watching her patiently as she cried. It hid behind some bushes in the dark.. Keeping it's distance from her until it was safe enough. It meant no harm, tho. It had only ran after her to keep her away from the wreckage that had developed back where her parents were. Her father had asked him to keep her safe... but just as he was about to walk over to her and take her to a safer place, footsteps were heard and he kept his place. Watching patiently to see if it was proper to attack or not.

"What's wrong, little girl? What are you doing here alone?" A delicate female voice spoke. The little girl looked up to find a young beautiful woman looking down at her with her beautiful hazel eyes. "Are you hurt?" She asked and looked at the girl's knee. "You're bleeding..."

He watched as the lady narrowed her eyes at the sight of blood. Her pale complexion and the fact that she was floating was proof that she was a vampire. Still, he kept his ground to see if the girl was in danger.

"It huwtz.." The little girl hiccuped. It took everything in his willpower not to just run up to her and make her feel better.

She's too young... his subconscious spoke. He shook his head and focused on what he had to focus; her security.

"What's your name?" The woman asked and placed her long index finger on her tear streamed face.

"Innocence." She answered and the vampire nodded.

"Well, Innocence, my name is Danielle.." The vampire whispered softly and brushed the strands of hair on her face back. The smell of blood had called to her, but what was left of warmth in her heart wouldn't let the thirst she possessed overpower her. She wanted to help the little girl... "where are your parents?"

The little girl hiccuped and shrugged. "I don't know.." She answered and rubbed her knee. "It huwtz so much.."

Danielle felt a tugging sensation on her heart and couldn't help leaving this poor defenseless creature alone. So she decided to help her.

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