~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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Blue eyes...


Golden eyes...

"Not this again..."

They both looked at me... Boring into my eyes...


They stared at each other and glared. Why are they glaring at each other?

"Wake up.."

A white wolf appeared.. then a big black one. They bared their teeth at each other.



They jumped at each other, the black wolf overpowering the white one. Why are they fighting?

'Stop! Please!'

They didn't look back at me and just kept fighting. White and black fur began coming out of them. Blood drops were dripped, but it was hard to make out who they came from.

'Please! Please! Stop! You're hurting each other!'

The black wolf looked at me, it's bright blue eyes boring into mine.

'Ken...' I whispered.

'Innocence.' He whispered in my head. My heart ached for him as he fought against the white wolf. He was caught off guard and fell on the ground. The white wolf bared it's teeth as it went on top of him.

"Wake up, Innocence.."

'No... Don't hurt him!' I screamed, but the wolf seemed to be deaf to my calls. 'Stop!'

I wanted to run. I wanted to shift. I wanted to go and help him. The white wolf dug it's teeth into him and I felt his pain. I screamed and watched him get hurt.

'Stop!' I screamed. But it was useless. I couldn't move. It was like if something forced me to stay in my place. I can't move. Why can't I move? I need to help him! 'Help! Please! Stop!' I screamed again. Still equally useless...

I began crying as the white wolf tore into his skin. He yelped in pain but kicked him off. He was about to jump at the white wolf when...

"Innocence!" Angel's voice brought me back to reality. My eyes fluttered open and met his yellow ones. I was breathless and I don't know if seeing his golden eyes made it better or worse.

I sat up and he sat back in front of me. I looked around the room and saw the door one side and the frame all torn up.

"What happened?" I asked after I recovered and looked at him. He shrugged and looked at the door.

"You were screaming. I ran up the stairs to see what was wrong but the door was locked. So I kicked the door down." He said and I raised my eyebrows. Huh.. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah... It was just a dream.." I said and threw the covers off. "I'm fine."

He looked at me and I looked into his golden eyes. Ugh... my heart best fast and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He began shaking his leg slightly as he stared at me. He clenched and unclenched his jaw. I wonder why he's so uneasy...

"What'd you dream about?" He asked me and I looked down at my hands.

"Wolves." I said and he nodded. "Two wolves fighting. I tried to make them stop, but I couldn't move.."

"What did they look like?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"One was white with yellow eyes, the other one was big and black..." I said and shivered at the memory. "with blue eyes.."

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