~Chapter Eighteen~

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"...And tonight,
I'll make you feel beautiful once again..."

Her soft voice echoed through the forest as she sang. It wasn't the beautifulest melody you've heard, but in his ears, it couldn't be less perfect.

He hid behind some bushes watching her. Trying to find a way to run next to her and sweep her from her feet. He watched her sing and talk with him. He watched how he looked at her with something else glistening in his eyes. For her, it might've been an indecipherable look. But he knew better.. He knew his intentions with her weren't good and that all he wanted was to use her as a bait to get to her family like that time when they lost her. That prick..

He felt a growl form on his chest but kept his stance. He didn't want to be discovered while he was in the perimeter. He didn't know what he was capable of doing to her if he found out he was keeping her watched... The only thing he did know was that if he hurt her, he wouldn't think twice of killing him.

He watched them walk up the hill after hours of standing there, doing nothing. She laughed and he felt his heart melt at the sound of it. He needed her so badly... He didn't know how it hadn't killed him to be so far from her for so long.

After she was no longer in sight, he sighed and walked to the side of the house. He heard the shuffling of keys and later the sound of an engine being turned on. He ran towards some bushes and watched the car drive out and towards the street. He followed them yet kept his distance. He needed to know a way to attack.. or well, just show himself to her..

He needed to find a way to talk to her as well.. yet how would he? Just come up to her and be like 'hey, I'm your mate and I've been following you for the past fifteen years to take you back to where you belong'? That wouldn't work at all. It would probably make things worse... He needed a plan... a really good one... But, if he's her mate, why would it be so hard to make her realize this? Wouldn't the signs be enough for her to know? He would know when he was in front of her.

The car drove into the city. He followed them as long as he could until there was no where to really hide. He needed a disguise... He couldn't be recognized by her... Tho, how couldn't she recognize him? She already saw him in her dreams! Tho... something didn't cross his mind...

'..I've never seen his human form... I wonder what he looks like...'

Those thoughts.. Her thoughts... he remembered and got the perfect idea. As the car rounded the corner and parked in front of a restaurant, he decided to run towards the back of an alley and shift. He didn't have clothes, but he was lucky enough to be behind a clothing store's alley.


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