~Chapter Seventeen~

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My eyes fluttered open to the smell of scrambled eggs, bacon, and blood. It was so that my fangs bared out and my mouth watered. Damn, what is that smell?

I sat up and found a tray of food laying in the desk in front of my bed... Okay.. This is... strange. No one ever did this to me...

I walked over to the tray of food, unable to resist the smell, and quickly took a bite of bacon. It was scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles, toasts, and a large cup of cold blood besides it. It was heaven... I decided to sit on the desk and eat. As I ate, I found a note on the side. I took it in my hands and read it.


Hope you had a good night's sleep. I made this for you, I know that when you wake up it'll still be warm so... Enjoy. :-)

P. S. - I will be very busy today solving some errands and stuff. In case you don't see me when you wake up.


- Angel.

I swallowed the piece of bacon and folded the piece of paper. Well... it was nice of him to do all of this. I don't know why he does it, but I'm trying not to worry about it. It's probably nothing. Something inside of me tells me it's not just nothing, but I don't want to listen to it... It never went good when I listened to it. I don't want to make the same mistake again.. I already know how it'll end.

I decided to finish my breakfast and head down to wash the dishes. After that, I went back upstairs to make the bed and organize everything. Then, I just went downstairs to watch some TV. I honestly don't know what else to do because I am on my own. At least with Angel I would talk and fool around with him. But alone? What is there to do?

After a few hours of browsing through the channels finding nothing but commercials and news. Nothing that really caught my eye as well. I never liked watching the news and TV commercials were boring. Ugh, why couldn't he leave some kind of entertainment or something?

I really don't know how he can be here by himself.

I decided to walk outside. I walked out the front door and down the steps. The fresh air going through my nostrils and down to my lungs. The wind blew, caressing my skin and brushing through my loose curly hair. I closed my eyes and savored the moment. It felt so great.. I felt so free..

I opened my eyes and looked around. It's not that sunny, even if it's past noon. I walked to the side of the house watched the horses grassing. I decided to walk over to them.

The big black horse I rode the second time I saw Angel was in a corner by himself. He looked at peace and was tranquil. His black coat shone with the dim light of the sun that was partly covered by some clouds. His black silky mane and tail gracefully moved with the wind. He was a strong horse, and very well maintained. I stood in the wooden face, watching him peacefully grass in a corner. I looked around and saw the other piebald horse.

This horse was smaller than the black one. It was a normal size tho. He wasn't as built and strong looking as the black one, but he had his grace. His coat did shine as well, in a way, and his tri-colored mane blew with the wind pretty gracefully. This horse seemed, literally, less gloomy and dark looking than the black horse. He seemed to be at peace and had no torment. It moved it's tail from side to side, killing the flies that tried to bite him while he grassed. He was at a great distance from the black one. He let the sun shine down on him while the black one tried to be as much closer to the shade as possible.

I kept staring at them and let the sunlight pour down on me as well. The wind blew through my hair and I closed my eyes. Well... this is better than staying locked inside the house... I wish I could run around the land in my wolf form, feel the wind through my fur, feel the ground under my paws; feel free...

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