~Chapter Fourty-One~

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*hours later*

"This is so good!"

Ken chuckled as he watched me chug down my second blood smoothie. Oh my god. it feels like forever since I last drank some blood! It was strange that I hadn't lost control, like last time, but I think Ken had to do with that since he kept my mind so busy.

We had stopped by a restaurant in the city area of Ludwig. It wasn't as casual as the one Angel had taken me to, but it was really nice.

I think Ken had sensed that I hadn't drunk blood and needed it, because that's the first thing he asked me; if I wanted some blood. I could see how, deep in his soul, he would've given it to me if I had asked, but I wouldn't. First, I didn't know he was willing to give me his blood. And secondly, I would never drink blood from him, or anyone. I had never bitten anyone, ever since I've been a vampire, so... he would never need to ask me to 'feed' my needs of blood with him because I would never do that.

After seeing Angel this morning I had felt a bit uneasy. I mean, what was he doing there? Isn't it dangerous since, like, he's a Lannister and our pack would've smelt him from around the corner? And how come dad didn't see him? How come no one noticed his presence? Because I didn't even smell him around the perimeter. I never checked, but at such close distance and me being a wolf, it wouldn't need much effort to know he was around... And that's very strange...

Ken and I were sitting on a very nice table near the window. We had already eaten some pork chops and now I was drinking my second blood smoothie. He patiently watched me with a smile on his face as I literally chugged down the whole thing. It's horrible how one can be so addicted to something and not being able to live without it for the rest of your life... I wonder how I'll be able to deal with that while I'm at my place. I mean, they're all wolves. Where am I going to find any blood? I would never bite them... ever. But well, I needed to find a blood source before I went insane like last time. Crazy shit happens when I go insane like that... it's a mixture of being angry and thirsty. Plus hungry as well but well....

I set the empty cup in front of me and sighed in content. That was great... I looked down at my new phone and smiled when I saw a text from my mom. She was asking where I was. I quickly texted her back and set my phone to the side. Then, I looked at Ken. He smiled at me.

"Now where to?" I asked him and he smiled even wider.

"Secret." He said and I rolled my eyes.

I hate surprises. I hate them. Just... ugh...

Ken laughed and stood up to take our trash. He swiftly took it with one hand and threw it into the trash bin. Then, he walked back and took my hand.

"C'mon. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we'll get there." He said and I groaned.


Hours have passed and we were still in the car. I was getting a bit impatient. Mostly because I had no source of entertainment on the way to Ken's 'secret'. My phone didn't die, but the signal here was awful. We were driving up-hill into some mountains, but I didn't recognize these as the ones that lead to my house. They were different. And the higher we went, the colder it seemed to be outside. Huh, wonder where he's going...

"...said I'd never let you fall, and I always meant it..." Ken hummed to the song playing from his phone and drummed his fingers to the beat.

In our trip to his surprise I had also acknowledged that he's not just a good-looking guy, but also a great singer... And that might be good for me to practice with him since I also like singing.

A while longer and I groaned. God... where is this man taking me? We've been riding this car for hours and we still don't reach our destination. I groaned and he chuckled.

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