~Chapter Fifty-Two~

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"So, we're good?"

I nodded and he gave me a small smile.

"That's great. Things'll be so great after this... I can sense it..."

With one simple peck, we drifted off to sleep without second thoughts of what we were doing. His arms wrapped around me and I felt safe, I felt at home... This was right. This was what I needed, what I wanted.

This was where I belonged...


*months later...*

He grabbed my hair and I leaned into the toilet. I puked out all that was inside of me and felt like my guts would come out as well. God, this was horrible. I was thankful to have Angel here with me to help me. I wouldn't deal with this by myself.

I've felt sick. I've gone to witch doctors, Wiccan's, even real doctors, but no one knew what was wrong with me. They said it wasn't from the stomach, but they wouldn't say anything else. I was starting to feel horrible. I didn't want to go out. And, plus, I had gained weight. I told Angel I didn't want to eat much, but he insisted on me eating healthy. That I shouldn't starve myself. Still... I didn't want to get fatter. Eating this much would make me gain more weight.

I didn't provoke my nausea. It just happened. Was it my brain? Being self conscious that I was gaining weight could make it take reigns of the situation. Still... I somehow knew it was something else. It must've been.

Something also told me that Angel knew what was wrong with me. But every time I would try to see it into his eyes, he would leave or drift his gaze away from me. I was getting worried. I had even asked him, but he said he didn't know, that he wasn't a doctor. And it was strange for me to hear him say that because he always knew everything. How was it possible for him not to know what was wrong with me?

I finished puking my life out and leaned back against the wall. Angel brushed my hair back and gave me a paper towel to clean my mouth. I did and flushed the toilet. My stomach felt better, but I couldn't help but to still see it so big... I mean, not huge, but bigger than usual. Seriously. It's like I ate a whole lion or something.

Angel chuckled and shook his head. Something shimmered in his eyes as he moved his hand over my stomach and I tried deciphering it. But he blocked me again. He chuckled at my frustration and kissed my temple.

"There are things you should discover yourself..." He said and I rolled my eyes. He always said things like this. Even back when we met. He always said I had to find out things on my own, without anyone telling me. He wanted me to learn myself, perhaps? Bah... I don't know.

We went back to our room and he stretched after leaving me in my bed. He looked down at me and then smiled. There was a knock on the door and he didn't doubt on answering it. What the hell? Was he expecting someone?

He opened the door and let anyone who was coming in. I was thankfully covered by the quilt, even if I looked like shit... but well... I felt like shit. So why care for my appearance?

"She's right there." Angel said and pointed towards me. I was about to ask who it was, when I saw whiskers and a red head.

"Ginny?!" I called and she ran up to me. After her, Sophie, Abel and Jake walked in.

"Inn! Oh my god!" Ginny squealed and sat besides me on my bed. She looked up and down and then into my eyes. She smiled and hugged me. "Oh my god! I missed you so much!"

I hugged back but kind of winced when she hugged me too tight. She wants to kill me?! Seriously..

"Ginn... Ginny..." I breathed and she giggled, sitting back.

"Sorry.." she said and looked back at Abel as he came to kiss my cheek.

"Hey, there." He said and I smiled at him.

"Yo, Inny, you look like shit, girl..." Jake said and winced. "Ow! Sorry!"

Sophie rolled her eyes and pushed him to the side.

"Jerk." She said and sat next to Ginny. "But you do look like crap. Still, it's nice seeing you, Innie."

I smiled at them and sat up in bed. Ginny couldn't keep her eyes off my stomach, and it had me in unease. I'm aware of my weight! No need to rub it in my face!

"How have you been?" She asked me and looked at me. She smiled and I smiled back.

"Feeling like shit... but great." I said and looked at Angel. He was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, watching us from afar.

"That's good to know." Sophie said and we fell in a comfortable silence.

Hours passed, and we kept talking, catching up on things. Nothing huge had happened back in Vancouver. Everything seemed to be the same. Ginny's dad fixed Sophie's coffin, Abel became the Alpha of his pack, Jake found a job at Jake's, and Sophie started going to Vancouver's university to keep on studying. She wants to become an anthropologist.

And so, they said they hadn't heard from my 'parents'. Rumor has it they moved away after I did, leaving the house closed and sealed. I wonder why they left, but then I guess they would've want to start fresh, like me.

After five hours, they left, saying they'd be staying here for a couple of days and that we'd see each other soon. They all said their goodbyes and left me and Angel by ourselves. I smiled contently and watched him as he closed the door. He had been standing there for the whole time they were here.

"Had fun?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Why didn't you come and join us?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"They didn't came to see me. I don't even know them. I only contacted them to come to see you. Not for me." He said and I nodded.

He was about to walk over to me, when another knock on the door was heard. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to the door. He looked through the peep hole and I felt his heart best accelerate.

"Shit..." He cursed and turned to look at me very briefly. I watched how his eyes looked fearful and raised my eyebrows. "I'll be right back, Innocence. This visitor is for me..."

I was about to ask, but then he just opened and shut the door, leaving me by myself in the room. I wanted to stand up, to go and see what was going on, but I suddenly felt so tired... I fell asleep...

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