Chapter 10: Can Do Attitude

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June 2015

The drive to Quaker Valley took a whole extra day, causing Dean to stop over in the middle of Idaho to get some sleep. Sam had suggested he could take over driving so you could all get there faster but typically, Dean declined. You couldn't think of any other time since his fight with Cain when Dean had allowed his younger brother to take the wheel. Dean insisting his reasoning was because Sam had earned the rest after his night with Piper but you were fairly certain it had more to do with him wanting to be in the drivers seat. This meant arriving in the sleepy little town outside of Eugene in the mid morning of the following day thanks to another early start.

In his FBI gear, Sam was dropped off at the local police station to talk to the new sheriff while you and Dean continued to your favourite place, the morgue, to check out the old one's body. You had been stupid enough to volunteer yourself to go there, wishing to prove that you were indeed serious about helping and being included more on hunts. Even more stupidly, you took the lead when you arrived, jumping in and asking questions which lead to the coroner talking more directly to you.

Why did you promise yourself you'd step up more again?

Unfortunately, because Dean had gleefully reminded you on your stopover in Wyoming that he could read you like a book, that played over and over in the back of your mind throughout the entire time you were there. When the body came out and the coroner began pointing out every teeth and claw mark, missing blood and empty heart cavity, you kept receiving side glances from him which was hard not to notice.

"You can see here, that's been done by teeth, one even seems to have been left behind but I can't work out what animal it belongs to. Neither can the local park ranger. See it there agent?" The coroner looked up expectantly at you, pointing to a small whitish-but-tinged-with-blood object that had been placed in a ziplock bag.

Only on nodding your head in agreement did he continue happily. Which bothered you because the man was way too cheery for someone who was so up close and personal with a dead guy. "That one came out of this entry point here on the shoulder... And over here on the other shoulder, you can see how the flesh has been torn." Torn was an understatement, a whole chunk was missing. "There's definite claw marks here on the skin and they definitely match the others. But once again, we just can't identify them."

The coroner looked over his shoulder at you to check you were still paying attention. "Now I was leaning towards bear attack, it's the only logical explanation, but the marks, the heart missing, all the blood drained, which I guess could've happened the longer he sat out in the open... But that wouldn't explain where he was found, so when you put it all together none of it makes sense." he added as he finished his tour of the corpse.

"Well that's what we're here to figure out," Dean added to the coroners rambling.

He looked up at Dean as if noticing him for the first time. "Yes. Good... Well, can I assist you with anything else Agent Johnson?"

Huh? "No, no, I think we're good. Unless Agent Walsh has any more questions?" you replied, smiling politely.

Dean returned your glance and smirked at you quickly before addressing the coroner again. "Nope. All good here. Thanks for your time."

"Pleasure." The coroner held out his hand to you in offering of a handshake and waited patiently for you to reciprocate. His hand still wore the gloves he'd been using to show you the body but you didn't want to hesitate and leave him hanging, especially under the ever watchful eyes of Dean. Thus, ever so slowly you placed your hand in his, his grip shaking your arm so unpleasantly and forceful, it caused your nerves to tingle along the funny bone.

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